


Couple of more days in Phuket and then I'm off to Langkawi again.

(Where I once stopped travel)

It's nice to relax here and think about yourself.

And spend some time alone for once.

Not drinking and have parties and socialise.

Just me, and only me. Working out, study my diving and spanish.

And most important, reconnect with myself.

Even if it get's quite boring on and off, I need it for now.

I had company yesterday and that helped a little bit, but not too much.

Of course there was complications with Mr Dickhead like always.

Kata beach is not a place that I recomend in Phuket, that's for sure.

Phuket is nothing that I recommend anyway.

Not even Thailand is to recommend.


Aaaaanyway... Nothing new for now...

Just study and relaxing and working out for a while.

Tomorrow I'm going back to Yacht Haven to see Kalle and do my test

and then I guess I'm staying in either Dickheads bungalow or at Phuket town.

That's all for today...

Me and Kalle is floooooooating...

Typical Thai truck! I like.


Happy Happy Joy Joy....

Tsunami evacuation route...

Ok-la that's all for today... Hasta mañana!



Yes, I am very pissed off today.
Things are not going as I want them to go.
People that are evil, get better oppertunities then the good people.
But I guess that they can kiss better ass then I can.
I wont. That's for sure.
But they are going to realize they made a wrong choice later on.

It sucks to leave this room, but I can't afford to stay here.
And I don't have anything to do here in Chalong. (on the whore street)
Yes, I live in a whore-house... (kind of) the hookers hang around in the bar downstairs.
But I had two great nights here no matter what all the drama was about.
I'm trying to see the good things in everything...

And if it's not that great, I pretend it is and I feel better...
Sometimes it's just easier then.

Now I have to study for my diving cert test, then I just have the 4 dives left and I'm finished.
Good, 1 thing that is done (soon) and 50 million to go....
The only thing I can think about right now is that I want to take my DRIVING LICENSE!
(And that's the only part I want to go home)

Well.... Many things in my head. Need to eat breakfast now.
Before I freak out and go crazy... Koko...

Hasta luego amigos.

Wicked game

There is actually no better word for it. For what I want to say.

It's just a wicked game...


My camera is broken.

The display doesn't work anymore cuz there is water inside it... Again.

Second camera that I break, same way.

So, I have to buy a new one.

Oh lord, and now I'm not working either... For now anyway.


I left the boat yesterday and Chan almost flipped the dingi over

when letting us of. Good, all my bags were wet.

Computer and everything were saved (lucky me, being so fast).

But all of us got wet, and Sherry went in the water twice.

That was it for me, it was too much. Everyones mood was fucked.

And specially mine. It was so bad I almost flipped out....

So, instead of taking a sneak ride with Sherry and Caroline who was going shopping,

I took a cab alone to Chalong and found a nice big big room.

Expensive though, but I'm not going to stay here for many days.


Puh. Finally alone. I went online and talked to Sofie and Annica.

Felt good to talk to some friends back home...

Then Joey called me couple of times,

being drunk and wanted me to come and drink beer...

So I did, and I met the russian owners of the catamaran,

and Rick and of course the drunkest of them all – Tim. (As usual)


And one long island icetea later, I was happy. Haha.

It feels so good to be alone.

I can walk around naked, sunbathing on the big balcony I have,

watch (or listen) to the Music on the TV. Drink what I want, eat when ever.

And I do what I want to, I don't have to ask someone and it feels so good.

Woho. I'm back on track.

On the meatmarket again. :)


Where to start? I can't sleep.

I've been laying here in my bed for more then 1-2 hours,

trying to get some sleep but it doesn't work somehow.

Even if the bed is moving like a baby crib.

I've just been thinking about tomorrow, when I'm leaving this boat.

I've been waiting for the moment for a while now but never did it.

I'm actually moving out!!

I've had the same bed for more then 3, almost 4 months now.

This have been my home for a while now.

It feels weird to leave now when I think about it.

Then I can imagine Aldam and Joey, who have been onboard this boat for YEARS.

I'm going to miss this boat.

Having a moving bed that putts me to sleep and many other things.

I've had an amazing time here actually.

No matter how many fucked up days I had, but like they say...

”What doesn't kill you makes you stronger”.

And don't forget the S in makes ;)


Now to something else then the boat.

I think it was good that I didn't leave the boat today as I was supposed to.

I slept way to long, so I was tired the whole day.



A Swedish agent came onboard to see Raja Laut,

because they are having a day-charter in 2 days with swedish channel 5.

Staff party for Channel 5 (Kanal 5) for Håkan in ”Färjan”.

I talked a bit to this guy, wich was very friendly.

He asked me why I quited my job now when Kanal 5 are coming etc etc.

He gave me a bit of hope, cuz he offered me a new job!!

I got his card and gonna call him as soon as everything here is finished.

I don't know what kind of job, but I think he can figure something

out because he seemed like a real deal, that knows what he is doing.

A real ”stockholm profil”.

Who knows? Anything can happen. :)


So, let's hope for the best. The only thing I'm worried about right now is

my Visa. I have to PAY for the visa run later on if I'm going back to Thailand.

But... If I got a new job, that's nothing to worry about.


See guys, everything works out for me in the end after all.

I just have to make the right choices and make the right time.

And then the puzzle pieces fits. I'm having a plan again.

I just have to get some more time to think about it before I make up my mind,

where to go and what to do.


CUZ, in march.. the, my beloved and lovely friend is going to asia.

Annica Cederholm. Her and I is catching up somewhere here in Asia.

And then she (and I, I hope) is going to live with her family in Philippines.

That's going to be amazing. :)


Well... anyway. that's all for today...

I'm gonna try to get some sleep now, again.


Hasta luego amigos.

Merry Christmas in Phuket

How to celebrate Christmas in Thailand 2009.

We just arrived in Phuket, at Yacht Haven.

Last days has been very messy.

We checked out from Phuket after our charter.

Going to Langkawi and spend Christmas there.

3 hours after our check-out time, some guy called captain and said we're gonna

have a charter on the 26th, IN PHUKET!

WTF. So, we could only do one thing -

Leave Thailand for a day (to Langkawi)

And stay one night and then go back to Phuket again. Really sucked but we had to.

Anyway, I spend 1 day/night with Timmy and then we were off again.

Arrived just now, just took a shower.

Putted on my new red dress I bought here.

And my new pair of high heals. (also with red in it)

yes, first time in high heals for over 6 months or so.

I feel girly, almost overdressed but it's christmas once a year so what the heck.

My mood could have been better, but it's always like this for christmas.

Let's not talk about last night....Ohhhh...

I have ONE of all my loved ones here... or well, I left and he's still in Langkawi.

Just popped up a bottle of Rosé wine and we are waiting

for everyone else so get ready so we can go for Christmas dinner on the dock.

It's not like the christmas dinner we have in Sweden but food is always nice.

I miss the swedish food for christmas though.


Bilden “” kan inte visas, då den innehåller fel.



And normally they celebrate christmas the 25th, but we'll go out tonight.

So, me and Kalle the other Swede on board,

are going to have a normal celebrating CHRISTMAS after all, yay =)

But without Kalle Anka (Donald Duck)

Yes, if you guys didn't know, all swedes watch donald duck

on tv for christmas at 15.00 on chanel 1. That is tradition.

And yes, it's true. Ask any swede and they will say : OF COURSE!!


Oh I miss swedish christmas even if it sucks every time.

It's just a routine... and once without it, you miss it.


And I miss Joey. He left us yesterday.

He called me from Saba (Borneo) and I got really happy that

he called me even if it was only one day ago I talked to him.

I guess that this is my sentimental time at Christmas time.

I miss all my friends and everyone I love.

Here is our new captain Stephan, a cool man.
With Joey in the middle of course, and then Moi...


To something else. Me OR Tim is leaving soon.

One of us is going to take a good job offer and be away for 5 months.

But only ONE of us. I don't understand how I will manage without this person in my life for 5 months.

Again. It's longer then the first time we were away from eachother.

I really love this person as my friend.

Some days I hate him though, but that's something different.


But, a job is a job and both of us really wants the same thing.

I just wish both of us could go. I really would love that.



Now, to everyone back home... and where ever you are....

I want to wish you a merry merry merry christmas.

If it's white or yellow... it's up to u, be careful with the snow though.


Cheers and Love.


Goodmorning people!!

Normal time to wake up today. 07.40
for the meeting at 08.00 like every morning.
But both me and Sherry noticed that no one was awake.
Cap came out and said: Mission for today is to sleep as much as you can,
cuz after the wedding we're going back to Langkawi ASAP.
It has been raining all night, and the preporation for the wedding tonight is all wet.
It's really beautiful and sweet, and we haven't done anything.
Really sweet!
They hired catering people to do everything so the only thing we did yesterday was:
Sleeping, watching movies, taking walks here in Lumut.
Joey took pictures of me and Sherry on the way so now we are his models too.
We also went swimming and did some water aerobics and then a niiiice dinner.
And we get paid of doing this. Niiice.
Our mission accept sleeping today is to go jogging and swimming.
To work that FAT girl!

I don't have so many pictures from Lumut yet, Joey still has many of them.
So I'm gonna upload a picture of a PRAYING MANTIS.
Or as I would like to call it, a walking stick.... But it's not the same.
This one I found on the toilette in the Yacht Club in Langkawi.
It was HUGE!!!!!!!!
(As you can see if you look at the wall in the back)

Well, time to do something else now.

And by the way... I have urine infection. Just great. Fucking shit.
When things are moving on in a good direction for me, other things seems to go wrong.
Well, I'm going to a pharmacy right now anyway....

Take care buddies...

Not for sale??

When we were at the supermarket, Tim was trying to buy me.
And Frida were trying to hold up the basket to make me fit in there....
But unlucky them, I was too big and didn't fit.
But they couldn't afford me anyway.

But they tryed so hard hahahaha.

Captain and the asshole


I'm gonna be totally honest with everything I write.
I know I haven't been onboard the boat for very long but....
Rick, our Swedish Captain is one of the greatest old men I've met in a long time.
He feels like a dad. A dad I never had but is not actually my dad.
Somehow I respect him as a person so much and I think he cares much about us too.

So I give him all the credit for today.


Ryan the scuba instructor.

A letter were received from the office (my job). Captain showed me it and laughed so hard.
What a fucking asshole. But we have the office on our side and it's nothing to worry about.
The office did not reply him, the just sendt a copy to the captain and wrote:
- WOW, a nice message from Ryan.

The letter was like this:



Thank you, Ryan D.


Me, driving the scooner

I heart Music!

The only thing that makes me really happy is music.

Even if I'm down, I listen to songs and I maybe be

crying but I'm thinking about good memories.

Just like this night, we listened to many of my songs on the stereo

and I started to laugh and told Joey my stories behind the songs.

He was laughing too. Joey is an excellent guy. He is really cool.

I said it before and I will say it again.

If it weren't for him and the captain I wouldn't stay on the boat.

Joey, as a real pirate on the boat hahaha...


Well, back to the music....

I realised that I had Lionel Richie on my mobile with ”HELLO”

and we laugh together and continued our singing while

I took my first beer for 10 days and a cigarette in the back of the boat.

I teached Joey how to play SHITHEAD!

So now I have someone to play shithead with, while I'm away.

But every time I play it, I think of my dear friends at home that I use to play with.

Marcello, Linus, Jonas, Johan, and specially Miche that carry around a deck of cards in his jacket,

just in case if you want to play card. Hahaha.

We even played Shithead at MAX Hamburger restaurant couple of times before.

Funny summer nights with a lot of bicycling around Malmö.

And a lot of card playing. Look what actually MUSIC make me do.

I listen to a song and I connect it with someone,

and it makes me to miss my friends back home. Oh jajajaja.

Joey is my new ”Shithead friend” now, mouhahaha.


Sleep well. Ta ta.


I love this picture so much.
It's really cute.
It looks like he just became a father of his new borned child.
The monkey namned Mary Jane is sleeping in his arms.
She really likes Timmy.
Every time I hold her, she jumps straight to Tim and stays there.
He gave the owner his number if the owner wants a monkey sitter.
He is perfect for the job haha :)
I just love the picture.

My life, my dream and my happiness

Hiii everyone.

Soon it's time for bed. I'm in my cabin right now.

Thinking of how great my life is.

I'm just missing a man to share this with. Othervise it's perfect.

And I have to tell you that it's quite hard to travel with

2 guys who just talk about sex the whole time...

It's just like at home, being around my friends, but this is 24/7, EVERYDAY!!!!!!

Makes me go crazy!

I can't wait until we sail on monday,

but I guess that tomorrow is going to be a hard day to prepare everything.

I have a lot of responibility on the boat. More then I thought actually.

It's gonna take me couple of days, then I'm getting there....

I am just really excited and want to learn everything right away so I can chill later hehehehe ;)


The only shitty about this, is that I am going to work for 6 days/week.

Off on sundays only. I will be working from 7 am to 5 pm.

But I guess that it will be more chill later when we are on the sea (?)

And that I have to work on Christmas and New Years eve,

that I was suppose to spend with Tim and maybe Frida (if he's not leaving)

But I can say like this: 1,000 DOLLAR TIP PER PERSON

ON NEW YEARS EVE is totally worth it =)


Weird old feelings I forgot about started to pop up lately.

I don't know why and I don't know if it's good or bad.

We'll see. And don't make any conclutions about that.


I really hope that the guys stays a while so we maybe can travel together later.

I am glad that Tim went to Asia so I could meet him again.

And Adeline too of course, but she is not here.

Even though Mr. T can be a bitch, I love this guy.


Last night I woke up from my sleep cuz I think I heard something.

I was just really confused and opened my eyes and looked at the window.

Tim was sleeping, but it felt like he read my mind.

I thought it was something from the curtains or the window.

In that SAME moment I thought that I heard he said: THE CURTAINS!

I got chocked. Are you awake? No answer, still sleeping.

How was this possible?

Why is this weird things happening when I'm around him?


Well.... I have to get some sleep. Early morning tomorrow.

Kiss Kiss


Raja Laut

Today is my last day in Rainbow guesthouse.

Rick just called me and said, heeey, want to start working tomorrow?

I make a cabin clear for you tonight so bring all your stuff with you.

No questions asked, more like aj aj sir!

I have been up early every morning for 4 days now and thought that YES,

tomorrow I can sleep how much as I want too.... But noooo...


Today we went up and got picked up by a bus who drove us to the other side of the island,

I had a surprise for Tim since it has been his birthday.

We went to Mangrove. Eagle feeding, to a bat-cave,

swimming, fish-farm, free dinner etc.

A 6 hour trip, very nice actually! =)

But all of us are really tired and I should sleep a bit before we go out tonight....

My last night with the boys.


But we are not setting sails yet, just moving in to my

own little cabin on the boat and sailing next week or so.

Jade, my Irish friend left today too. :(

But she is probably coming back in december.

I sure hope so, she is a awesome chick! =)


Time to sleep.... Ciao


It's late and I'm going up early tomorrow morning.

I tryed to sleep several times but things just pop up in my head all the time.

Like I'm stressed or something.

But I don't really feel stressed,

more then I'm going up early tomorrow and

jogging with Jade the Irish girl I met couple of days ago.

I went to bed early and watched a movie: Super Size me.

Afterwards I started to do sit ups and push ups for a while,

and I really felt like going up and start to jog for a while.

But I will do that tomorrow morning instead hahaha.

But the movie inspired me to be the old Lee, as I was before Mexico.

Oh god I miss those days actually.

Being to the gym, feeling soooo good after a hard Body Pump pass with Johan,

or a nice Kick & Box with Göran.

I miss Goodlife actually, really much too.

Maybe I will watch the movie every day so I can start to work out again.

And get so motivated as I was once before?

I really miss it, but it's so hard while traveling.

I thought that Asia would be easy to loose weight,

but I still somehow feel like the food is crap.

I love salads, but the salad is for westerners like me

and western food is ALWAYS expensive.

Except junk food like hamburgers etc.

I don't really want to eat just rice every day and nothing else.

It's really cheap but do not cup of tea.

I would love to go to Japan and eat sushi though.

Oh I miss sushi, damn it.

But probably in a week or so, (before sailing)

I will move on board on the boat and we will have good food there.

I sure hope so, cuz it's a fucking expensive charter boat I'm gonna sail with.

It's named Raga Laut, and that means King of the sea in Malay.

I talked to Rick today, the captain on the boat.

Felt good, changed numbers and the normal stuff.


I'm gonna work with another girl from Philipines.

And no, it's not Annica. I wish it was though.

She had a chance doing it actually,

cuz we needed another girl and I know it's one of her dreams.....But no.

I sure hope she will come down and visit me in december.

My little ching chong.

I am so glad that someone is keeping good contact with me,

even though I'm away.

She makes me happy and I know that she is a real friend,

I knew that already at 2001 when I first met her! =)

She cares about you and wonder how you are, she is not one

of those who just READS your UPDATED STATUS on Facebook or YOUR BLOG.

She actually comunicates! =)

PROPS to you Annica. I love you.


Well, enough writing. I will try to sleep again.

Few hours sleep until I put on my sneakers and jog on the beach.

Oh, I can't wait!!!

Pussy Pussy...

Today is Timmys birthday.
I had a plan for today but the guys are working and the weather
is not so good so we will do it another day instead.
It was really nice to see him smiling and be happy yesterday.
And he told me if I told the live reggea singers that it's his birthday he would leave.
So I "ordered a bucket" and of course they were
singing Happy Birthday in reggea style for him.
I just saw a smiling face laughing who slowly said to me: Lee, I'm gonna kill you!!
MOUHAHAHAHA never trust me! =)
Specially not after 4 bacardis.

It feels nice to be back with the guys again.
Not that I didn't enjoy my time with Birdy, it's just more safe with guys somehow...
I thought I was so happy to travel alone later in Asia.
Ehm... No. I will be around tourist and nothing else, that's for sure.
Cuz yesterday when I took the bus from Penang to Langkawi,
I experienced a young man wanking of next to me on the bus....
Not really a nice experience when you are alone as a girl.
But nothing to worry about, I can just be happy cuz then I'm good looking I guess hahahhaha.
Today is just RAIN RAIN RAIN all over again.
And I wanted to spend time on the beach,
but nooo... like always. I guess I have to do that tomorrow.
We are staying in a better place now called RAINBOW GUESTHOUSE,
Even the cats got rainbow braicelets. haha.
The little kitten is sleeping in my lap right now.


Seven Wells

Yesterday me and Frix went to Seven Wells here in Langkawi.

It's a beautiful waterfall. It was in the middle of the jungle and almost no people at all.

It was up a big big hill, and I can tell you that we had our exercise for that day.

It was waaaaaay up, and sooo many steps.


We had a swim in the cold water when we arrived, it was lovely.

Took nice pictures too. Then we saw a wild monkey on the way down.

I said to Frix: Hmmm... I have a banana in my purse, do you want me to give it to the monkey?

Yeah why not he answered.

When I took up the banana from my purse, the monkeys face lightened up and he started to run over to me and wanted to grab the banana. But not in a nice way. very aggressive.

So I droped the banana, monkey grabbed it and run.

Wild animals are not to play with, that's for sure. And specially not monkeys.


here he is the bastard.


Well, here is the Waterfall. I'm off to breakfast now.


Ta ta...

Langkawi = Luck?

I really can't belive what happend yesterday.
I finally got a job that I actually wanted for a really long time.

But we'll see how it is first.
I´m going to work for 3 months.
Timmy was off to work at 6.15 this morning.
He was so happy and I'm glad for him. To see him smile again.

I had a hard time to sleep because of the mosquitos kept biting me all the time.

My legs and my whole body looks like shit right now,

but I'm addicted to Tiger Balm now so I use it on all my bites, and it helps alot actually.

Yesterday when we were walking down the street, I stopped and looked at some things from a stall

(as all tourists do) and suddenly I look down and I almost stepped on a baby monkey.

OMG! It was the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life.

I WANT A MONKEEEEY!! It really liked T, so it climbed on to him and sat on his shoulder.

I think he fell in love with it too. Haha.



Me and Frida are going to rent a motor-bike today to get around the island

and see if he can get lucky to find a job as well.

And then we are going to get up to the mountain and swim in the waterfalls.

It's gonna be sooooo nice. Now I can actually spend a little bit of money,

because I know I'm gonna make some later.

I knew that everything was gonna to end up really great yesterday.

Someone told me! :)

Well, time to get up and maybe eat a bit breakfast.


Can you belive that I haven't been to the beach, one single time?

(To swim, relax and have some sun)

Well, it's true! But now I have time to do it at least.




Like I said many times before this year, my karma is good.

I knew that we didn't have to worry about any work today.

It just came to us. We took the cab to the marina, and there it was,

a big 120 foot (40 meters) schooner.

It was a Swedish man (of course) who hired us. Rick.

He havent been in Sweden since 1984, he sailed around the world 3 times.

So, I feel safe anyway!

I start working in about 10 days as a HOSTESS!

Timmy got a job as a carpender (of course),

so we are going to work together again.

But it´s not sure if he can stay on the boat or not.

Woho, it's going to be soo fun!


cuz we have a dive master on board.

I get PAID to SAIL to Phuket in about 3 weeks.

600 USD a month. Yeah! High Five!

I AM SO HAPPY!!! And so is Timmy.

And by the way. this sky is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Back on the road again, to Langkawi

Like I was told. Another dream being lived.

Time to create, wake up and live another.



I'm on my way to Langkawi, Malaysia by now.

On another bumby bus. Just slept for a while.

This bus isn't so many hours. Just 5 hours up north.

I know I don't update myself everyday,

but it's hard to do that when you don't have your own internet and don't have time,

and sometimes you can sit at the same page for 30 min, cuz the internet is so slow.

And when it's fast, it's fucking expensive!!

It's raining and raining. This night it was a storm/thunder.

But nothing to worry about, just had a hard time to sleep.

I have a urge to DJUNGELVRÅL right now.

i miss salt liqorice like a M.F.

So, if someone is going to Malaysia or Thailand, let me know.

I can kill for a djungelvrål right now!!

I think it's time to change the bus very soon. I'll be back later.








Okey everyone.

I AM OK! I am actually really great.

We are in Penang, Malaysia.

No sight of TSUNAMIS OR EARTHQUAKES or storms...
Not yet though. haha.

I am with Tim and Frix right now on the other side called BATU FERRINGI,
We had a nice place all together, big room with three beds etc.
Nice and clean. =)
Going back to Penang today. Just wanted to spend time on the beach a bit.
But the beach was the worst I ever seen.... sooooo filthy.

Adeline stays in another place alone.

I don't even think I have to tell you why.

Things look better and better all the time, but it depends how you think.

Brighter at least, and we may have found a job.

We'll see. I can't really tell yet...




So, we are on our way to Malaysia.

That was not my plan in the first place, but well.... I didn't have a plan sooo.

But I want to spend as much time as I can with Adeline and Tim.

You never know when I meet them the next time you know.

So I want to be with them as much as I can!

We have spendt soooo many hours on the bus by now so I am cranky and tired.

The sleep you get on a bus for 22 hours is not many hours

(I can tell you for sure) but you try and try and try.

So, now we stopped just neat the border from Thailand to Malaysia.

Waiting for another bus to pick us up. Sitting on the floor next to Buddah.

Look. And see how I look, tired as fuck and then you should see my feets.


They look like they have been runned over by a car or something.

My mosquito bites are worst then in Mexico.

They are fucking every where!!

And the more mosquito oil and after bites I put on my body, the more I got bit by the fuckers.

All Asian girls think they are sooooo pretty all the time, it's crazy!

They sit with a mirror and fix their hair all the time...

I'm telling you because the girl in front of me has been sitting with a mirror now for 30 minutes.

Well, time to charge my computer and phone...

Hasta luego amigos

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