
That magical last night in Bodrum, Turkey was a GREAT SUCCESS.
I had a dream, and it happened. Again. I happens to me alot these days.
I just have to say that it was better then sleeping those few hours before the flight.
Some dreams come true sometimes and I am very good at it.

A good guy once told me "Don't underestimate the evolution of the human mind"
It's helped me alot actually,
and how the brain works and how to control your mind and thoughts.
And that's why I am where I am today. Free as a bird. =)

This picture is our last night. In Bodrum. Laying in big sofas on the beach,
smoking water pipes and drinking beer.

Water pipe, beer and good company at the beach =)
(Photo taken by Ahmet and not me haha)

Looking at the moon at night. Enjoying life.

Ahmet showed us around. Mister Turkish massage. =)
What a lovely guy. Here he is.

My, me and Ahmet.



Party from above...

Lee = sober party, can be alot of fun! :D


I just wouid like to say that these guys is the FREAKIN SHIT!!!

I AM IN LOVE with this silly, awesome and crazy dudes.
Calling themself LMFAO (Laughing My Fucking Ass Off)
They are SO my STYLE :D :D :D


They remind me of someone hahahaha....
Fluff Fluff


Today I was at the beach in Malmö with one of the best girls I know.
I can not really explain how comfertable and relaxed I am with her.
So, today... we enjoyed a day at the beach.... alot.

I feel so free!!!

And she told me that she wants to go on a vacation with me before I leave.
She is paying our last minute trip, so on sunday we book a flight and leave on monday.


I'm on the beach biatch


Weeks of "bad weather", if you are talking to me anyway.
It has been the end of july and start of august and the weather has SUCKED!
Just couple of days that were nice, and what happened?
Ladybugs attacked!

So, finally a calm day at the beach today.
I'm moving out tomorow so I have a lot of things to do today also.
But first... relaxation!

And I just have to say....

LOL CAT may you rest in peace.

Sophie had a kitten that she got from her cousin when Agnes got baptised.
And Astrid (her dog) knocked her with her head and suddenly the cat died.
I really liked that cat. He was so cute. But now they got a new one.
A rebund cat haha :)

I called him LOL CAT, but his name was (finally) Allan.
We didn't call him by the name though haha.



Everyone should start watching this video every morning.
And specially when you wake up on the wrong side and have a bad day.
Makes me happy and grateful.
And I'm happy for being .... Me!


Living the dream

Sleeping is when your dreams begin.
Waking up, is when they happen.

If somebody know who is singing in the video, tell me!!
I want to go back to central america.

Another dream being lived, time to create, wake up and live another.

Love this video

Great success

It's sunday, had a great time with friends today.
Bicycling and ate pizza and watched movies. A normal sunday! =)
I am so glad I have my friends. I love them all.
Well, I am so tired from last night so I'm going continue my writing in Swedish.

So, for those who will not understand.
Translate it at http://translation.imtranslator.net/translate/default.asp

Snart är det dags.
Snart börjar äventyret.
Jag känner mig redo att bege mig in i det fria igen.
Att slippa känna sig fast och bunden.
Jag kommer att lyckas så bra, jag vet det.
Jag har starka planer här i livet och jag vet att jag lyckas hur som helst.
Jag vet om att jag kommer slå många med häpnad men snart är tiden min,
jag bara väntar på rätt tillfälle.
Det kommer att ske snart och jag bara längtar innerst inne.
Den där lyckan för vissa saker här i livet kommer snart.
Jag känner mig bättre och bättre, men vissa saker är inte alltid lätt.
Men jag är på väg åt rätt håll i alla fall.
Jag kommer att få en fantastisk framtid.

Jag vet dessutom att du vill ha mig. men det går inte.
Man rör ej förbjuden frukt!

Det är min tur snart. Snart. Jag väntar tålmodigt.

I´m in love with Chris!



I love him!!!!
He is my new idol!

Check out more videos at his page.


This is so hilarious. I love it!!!!

It's about time

A never use a watch.
And IF I do, I wear a cheap plastic one that is cool.
That has a calculator or that speaks, really old school.
I looove old school stuff. (Well, I am from the 80's)

Anyway... A watch.
The only cool watch I ever consider to wear is this one.
I totally love it. But it's for men, but who cares.
I love BIG THINGS ;-)

A test-screen from swedish television by DOLCE & GABANA


It's the final countdown.......nananannannanannananaaaaaaa....

27 days left for "GOODBYE SWEDEN"

and 7 days left until I move to Jonas place.
Fluff Fluff!!!!


I just have to say that you guys SUCK at comment any of your answers in my comment-box.
Or what to call it.

Today I spendt time with Anna. My friend since ages ago.
I don't know if we call eachother best friends anymore, cuz we don't speak so much.
But we were anyway...
I haven't met her for over a year or something like that.
She lives in Östersund for now. Veeeeeeery up north for me.
And sometimes she is right. I suck at being a friend.
She lived there for like .... uhm... 3 years or so, and I haven't been there once.

And yes, I know. It's Sweden. Sweden is not big.
But it's cold. And even colder up north.
So, it cost me the same for going north to Östersund, as I sould go to for exemple London.

I'm a person that prefer going somewhere where it's hot and sunny.
Instead of going north to where it's cold.
I just work like that. And yes, I know. I suck too. I'm not perfect.
But now my money will go to my trip to Thailand....

Well... Anyway. was home for a while, and ready for bed.
Computering in the bed and suddenly I felt like being spontanious.
So, I had a walk in the park at 01.30 (am) with a guy.
I also like when other people are spontanious, like me =)

Now my friends, it's time for bed.

Call me crazy, ta ta amigos

A movie

If you ever considering doing a movie. Write the script for.
What should your movie be about?

Let me know. Write me a comment in "KOMMENTARER"
And post me your answer'

I'm back

I have to say....that....


I have a new cute cute computer.

An Eee 900 Pc series by ASUS.
White, and small.... cutest ever!!!
Perfect to bring on my trip.

A cat, dog, kid, boyfriend and a big appartment

That´s my friend Sophie´s luck.
She had nothing (accept the dog) before...
And look at it now... She got it all.
She became a lucky girl. A real Svenne banan! :D

She lives across the street, where I live.
And there was alot of cake left from last sunday so of course
I walk over the street, uses her computer (cuz mine doesn´t work),
eat some cake and play with the little kitten and talk shit woth the girls haha.

Well, I can´t really post any blog posts every day.
So, not so many pictures etc etc.
But here is some .....

Niclas, Sophie (and Agnes in her arms), sister Josephine and
Niclas friend. This is inside the church!

Agnes Maria Lykke Nilseryd

Yes, I took this :)

The "LOL CAT" Flirts with me.... haha.

Watched the sunset in Copenhagen, Denmark. Guess where.....

This is Malmö by nignt from the pildammspark.
When me, Marcello and Michel looked at the water show.

Here I am, at Majas birthdayparty.

Jonas, me and Santiago from Paraguay. (In Copenhagen)

Today re-packed alot of stuff, I´m moving out from my room next week,
So I putted alot of stuff on the attic. It´s going to be nice.
I´m looking forward to it alot. :)

Count down delux.

Tomorrow I will look at Herdmans computer, and I guess I will buy it.
Or else I will die. :)

Bye bye. Ta ta. Smell you later ;)


Since I have no computer, I take pictures wit my phone and save them for later.
These cute magnets to put on the fridge,
I bought at the Möllan festival from a fucking hilarious guy.
I just had too! :D
And as everybody know.... I just LOVE MARIO :D HAHAHA.
(And he has a gay mustach =))

Cute huh?

And this is one of my next projects.
Started yesterday. I hardly never finish my work.
But this I´m going to finish tonight.
If you can´t see what it is.it´s a couple having sex :D

And this is the painting I got from Omri, the israelian guy.
He left today. A short goodbye and I´ve got the painting.
Of a woman., from the sea....

If you do read this.... I´m gonna miss you! :)

Goodbye hun...

I know I haven´t written in a while.
My blogposts are just in my head by now....
But I will tell you why....

I guess this is it.
It´s goodbye...my friend...
My computer.
She died, and don´t think she will ever be alive again.
I did everything...
But she will have ONE more oppertunity.... to be alive again.
That only hope is GLENN.


Inside my baby....

So, you guys have to be patient for more blog posts....


39 days to go....

And 21 days until I move. Again. =)


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