
Since I have no computer, I take pictures wit my phone and save them for later.
These cute magnets to put on the fridge,
I bought at the Möllan festival from a fucking hilarious guy.
I just had too! :D
And as everybody know.... I just LOVE MARIO :D HAHAHA.
(And he has a gay mustach =))

Cute huh?

And this is one of my next projects.
Started yesterday. I hardly never finish my work.
But this I´m going to finish tonight.
If you can´t see what it is.it´s a couple having sex :D

And this is the painting I got from Omri, the israelian guy.
He left today. A short goodbye and I´ve got the painting.
Of a woman., from the sea....

If you do read this.... I´m gonna miss you! :)

Postat av: Bitte

Detta är ju piss i mississippi ju! Så här kan du ju inte ha det! Speciellt inte nu när du ska resa iväg igen - skrot alltså! Du skulle haft en sån där mini-laptop som inte tog sån plats. Storlek som ett A4.

Den utsätts kanske inte för lika tuff behandling på dina resor. Går den inte att fixa alls?

2009-08-07 @ 12:59:52
URL: http://bitte.webblogg.se/

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