Pirate Camp day 2

Up at 7.10. I woke up earlier though because I had a fucking rooster

almost next to my ear at 06.00 (?)

Breakfast? No, just coffee and I was ready to go.

Walking out to the dingy in low tide, everything is muddy.

And after that, it was just to start sanding.


Oh maybe I forgot to tell everyone before what kind of job that I'm doing?

I'm doing some sanding and varnishing on the boat Sapphire.

I got the job through Tim. Lucky me!

Anyway... The sun was burning, I got dizzy couple of times.

Water Lee, Drink water!!! I felt the sun burning on my skin!

I haven't got up early and worked since my job on Raja Laut.

So I was a bit tired and sore haha, but it felt good.

I love to do things my way, my own tempo and be in

my own little world while I do it (mostly with music in my ears)

As long as I got it done and it's good right?

Finally a short stop for lunch (pasta),

then back fast again to be boat and continue work.

My back was red by now.

I didn't think I could get more burned then this but apparently I could!(?)

Jory asks me if I wanted to take a break from the sanding,

I could get in the water and clean it on the outside.

- YES!!!!! The fins was too big, so I cramped couple of times but it was ok.

Tim comes back with the dingy and says that we can stop

working because it's too hot. Sounds like a good plan!



I feel really dead, not social at all and feel cranky (period time).

I drink a cup of tea, paint a new painting in my sketchpad, and try to relax.

And then a late lunch/dinner at the restaurant nearby with T.

I was hungry but in the same time I just wanted to lay down and sleep.

I was exsausted, so everything was just spinning in my head.

His mouth was talking but I don't think I heard a word.

The only thing I had on my mind was a bed

(and going to party on Phi Phi again)

I wanted to dance in the water again....

I can tell you for sure that it's NOTHING to do here.

No car, no motorbike (NO LICENSE either hehe)

No internet and taxi is too far away and too expensive.

So, it's a bit lonely here.

I feel really lonely actually, even if T is here.

So, back to lonely days where you update your blog

on the computer and upload it later, reading,

listening to music and doing paintings

in your sketchpad and some more writing.

(View from the boat, up to shore where we live)

I actually just wait until my baby, Annica shows up 10th of march.

So, work until then is just perfect for me so we can travel for a while.

Otherwise I think I've spend too much money on FUN,

while just rolling my thumbs, instead of making money!

So, I guess I have to thank the mother fucker Tim.

I can always go back to Phi Phi and give away

flyers with free buckets at night hahahaha...

But that island is dangerous!


No, now I have to stop this... It's time for me to go to bed!

Early morning tomorrow.... again...Puh.


Hasta Mañana amigos.

The best year in your life?

So, I've been told that 25 are suppose to be the year in your life?

Why? What is so special with the age of 25?

Do you reach a different level in life or what?

Do you get more mature or more crazy?

You get more adult and change your life mentally?

I don't know? You tell me??


The only thing I know is that I'm trying to enjoy everything in my life.

And by that I mean that I try to appriciate everything I have and everything I do.

I try to see the best thing in everything, even if it's bad.

Most of the time it works but sometimes it's just enough and against what I believe in etc,

you can't accept everything in life either.

No matter how kind you are.


Well, anyway enough talking about that now.

It's my birthday today, still.

I was suppose to celebrate it on Phi Phi island today.

Then I got a really early phonecall this morning from T.

He said something like ” If u want this job, u need to leave the island TODAY!”

"But, but, but...."

So, all my plans to get wasted and go nuts and have

fun dancing with good company and dinner for my birthday,

just went down the drain.


No good dinner, and no celebration. Nothing. Nada. Fun!!

Well, I need money so I guess that I just have to think money too then?

Fun, on your birthday? No? Why?

Well, I pack my bags and try to get ready mentally in my head,

going back to Phuket AGAIN. I can't beleive that I'm still here....

So after my packing, I meet Carro, Carro and their friend My

that went over to Phi Phi for a daytrip.

I say goodbye to Mac,

(that also gives me a banana milkshake for my birthday)

Kate and everyone else. There were so many haha :P

And we all planned to celebrate my Birthday

together and get really smashed. What could I do? Nada.


So, I felt really sad when I left.

It felt like leaving Isla M.

I say goodbye to Carro, Carro and My because we had different tickets to different boats,

so Phi Phi was our Goodbye stop! I get on the boat with all my bags...

Put in my earphones in my ears,

pump ut the volume and listen to some good house.

Suddenly I feel better, stronger and more powerful.


MUSIC. Wow, it can bring out emotions so easily!

I take off my clothes on deck and lay down in the sun and just enjoy the day.

I arrive back in Phuket, people trying to get off the boat so fast,

specially the Japanese people....

I don't know why they are in such a hurry?

Well, anyway.... there I stand, packed with bags and

having Mr. T picking me up in their car.

Still not really ready for it yet,

but I'm trying to deal with my fears and I always impress myself.

I sweat like crazy, my bikini is wet. And it's not from swimming earlier.

My t-shirt was soked and it had nice boob marks hahahaha....

We stopped for buying some alcohol and mixers,

going to the internet and a snack.

(For me it was Mc Donalds haha)


And then we went to the ”Pirate camp”.

My new home for 4 days (at least).

I take my bags, put them in my room (a bungalow).

I get my Birthday gift no 1, a big ass spider crawling on the wall.

And when I say BIG ASS SPIDER,

it's not 5 cm anymore. Now we are talking like minimum 12 cm!!

And BIG! The bungalow is open, so everything can come inside.

Snakes, geckos, spiders, cucarachas, mosquitos.... you name it.


I scream T's name and he comes and chases it away.

I make my bed, put on the mosquito net,

(otherwise I would refuse to stay there)

and then I decided to go and take a shower,

since I've been swimming in the sea and still felt salty.

I go into the toilette, and there comes birthday gift no 2!

A bigger spider than the first one.

We are talking 20 cm (with the legs of course)

I scream T's name again and begs him to kill it.

He does. And then it goes small...But I took a picture anyway ;)

After shower, I get paranoid and everything I see is spiders.

So, I go outside of my bungalow that is on the beach,

look at the sea outside, listen to the waves,

hear the sparks from the fire that Jory made,

eat some dinner that Jory's wife Mishko did and try to

relax and make myself a big drink.

Listen to his kid running around and talking to T.

while the cute puppy Miwo is begging me for some food.

Everyone goes to bed early but I stay up for a little bit longer.


I'm just trying to enjoy everything this day,

even if it wasn't in my plan to go back to Phuket.

It could be worst actually. I had a good night anyway.

Sitting around a fire, with a drink and a cigarette,

nothing close to you, just animals, the tropics and the sea.

We are in the middle of nowhere.

I like it. It's different. It's nice. It's nature, kind of.

It's not Phi Phi, where you dance on tables.

So, I see this days as a REHAB for me and experiense this too.


It's funny because couple of months ago

I hoped to celebrate my B-day with T.

Alot can change for couple of months, that's for sure.

But I'm glad I did anyway, even if I didn't got a gift =(


Anyway... I put on my music and go to bed,

and now I'm here. In bed. Matress on the ground.

And I'm going to pass out any second because

I'm going up in couple of hours, working! Gah.

So, this was everything from me, on my 25th birthday.

No more gifts now when I go to the toilette thank you =)

Welcome to Sweden = Thailand?

I think that Phi Phi has the worst internet connection in whole Thailand.

Oh no, wait... Whole Thailand is bad with internet connection!

But Phi Phi is just expensive with it, maybe that's why?

And Wi-Fi for my little baby is not on my mind,

then I could sit here for hoooours!!

So I do like this... Go the the beach, write and clear my mind,

drink a coffee shake (not the best shakes like they had in Bali haha)

I wish though. Save it and go somewhere I can upload it.

(View from the beach where I sit at the moment)

Trying to get online....Not working...


Phi Phi is a really nice island, and I think you NEED to spend alot of time

to get into the enviroment here, the vibe etc.

But for me as I feel today, it's just another island with mostly swedish tourists.

Those typical swedes that never travel, come to Asia and complain.

Oh it's too sunny, the water is not hot enough,

there beach is dirty and bla bla bla...

It's too shallow, oh there is fishes in the water,

Oh I'm afraid, I don't want to swim.


Do you expect it to be empty of sea creatures?

GO HOME THEN or shut the fuck up!!!!

(Sorry for my anger haha)

But ok, it's just girls, I haven't seen any guys (YET) saying this.

I don't want to hang around with swedes when I'm on vacation.

I can do that back home and hear their whining there instead haha...

I want to be around nice locals,

traditional and friendly people that don't complain aoout shitty things.

Things could be worst. Imagine when the tsunami hit Phi Phi Island!

But sadly all the locals live of making money of us stupid travelers.

But if you are nice to them, they are nice to you.

I really like the guys on the beach though, they are soooo nice and friendly! =)

Well, now it's time for me to save this and go and upload.


Ciao Bella!

Phi Phi

I have alot of memories on this island even if I haven't stayed over night at Phi Phi.

I arrived at the dock and got flashbacks from when I was working on Raja Laut.

Bringing guests up the dock with the dingy.

Walking down the beach, remember walking around

and tried to get credit to my phone.

And waited for Aldam to pick us up with the dingy again,

that brought us out back to the boat where it was nice and calm and relaxing.

No noise and no sound, just the sound of the nature nearby and the sea.

That was relaxing, but I think it was too relaxing for me.

I get bored after a while.


So, now I'm here and I have no idea what I'm doing here actually.

I think I just woke up on the wrong side and haven't met any people yet.

Slept 3 hours and came here and fell a sleep after a while.

Dinner, internet and then I decided to go to bed again.

I'm gonna start fresh tomorrow instead.

I think I just went here because of Sofie's talk about Phi Phi.

Many people in my own age, and many bars and shit, but I think it's really expensive here...

I don't know, maybe it's just me being paranoid now when I spendt alot of time

in Bali where it's half price as in Thailand.

Many Swedes everywhere... I go nuts on these fucking Swedes!

And the funny thing is that people asume that I'm Swedish

because of my blond hair, so they start talking to me in Swedish.

Yay. I'm a perfect exemple of a Swede!!!

Blonde, Boobs and Blue eyes. WTF!


Something else I got nuts on is my hair.

I think I need to cut it.

I don't want too, but it's really damaged from swimming in a pool for a while.

It feels like plastic and it's hard and crusty.

My friends said it looked like a broom. Nice.

I brush it and I loose my hair. I mean really loose it.

Yesterday my brush was completely full of hair!!!

I'm pretty scared of it right now, what if I go bold?


So, I told Annica anyway to buy a good shampoo for my hair.

Actually I have given her a whole list!! :D


KNÄCKEBRÖD (a hard bread)

Lösgodis (candy)

Blondie Shampoo

Specialised egg, just for me =)

Some pills


Eyebrow color and a blusher from H&M

(I'm a H&M freak ok!?)


Oh I miss H&M!

Nice store with nice clothes, always something for anyone!

And I miss köttbullar! OH! Meatballs...

With mashed potatoes, lingonberries and gravy.




Patong, AGAIN?

I went from Jakarta, back to Phuket (Patong)
I fucking hate that place but I really wanted to meet up my friends
Carro and Carro from back home, and another girl called My.

I walked to the bus station in Jakarta, trying to find the post office.
10 people show me different directions. I go nuts.
Finally when I find it, it's over weighted 14 gram,
I took something out and then it was 4 gram.
And then finally it was ok,
I tape the box together and after I put on the tape, it's overweight again.
FUCK OFF!!!!!!!

I take a look at my watch, shit I'm late to the airport!!!
I get on the bus, it's not until 10 min it leaves.
Ok, TAXI!!!!!!! Go, go go, fast, fast, fast.
This was not my day apparently.
Tired, haven't showered for 2 days and I was stressed.
So, anyway 50 min relax in the cab and then hurry again.
But the fucking taxi drop me off at the wrong terminal, yes, not my day!

So, a shuttle bus stops, I get on and I have 10 min before they close the check-in desk.
The bus stops and 3 stops.
Just before my stop one guy from AirAsia sits next to me.
I talked to him and said I was late.
He takes up his phone and put me before everyone else.
VIP cuz I was late. That's fucking service!!!
That was really good and nice of him.
I ran and ran and made it just in time! Puh...

So, I arrive in Phuket and take the mini bus to Patong
(1 hour later then I thought)
Carro and Carro had waited for a long time so I sat down at Starbucks,
I charged my phone so I could call them,
had a breakfast at 16.00 and waited for them for a while.

And then I stayed for free at their resort. (TONY RESORT)
Nice swimmingpool, big ass room with 3 beds,
Carolina offered her matress for me. so we made 4 beds of it :D
Balcony, HOT WATER (first hot water shower I had in 1 and a half months.)
Fridge, aircon etc etc. Wow, luxury! :D
We went out the first night, but it was like all the other nights.
Shit. I still hate Phuket.

The second day we just layed at the pool, like all day.
Later we went for massage (worst ever)
and after that I met up Tim, that was in the neighbourhood.
(yeeees I knoooow lalalalalaaaa)
Everything was like always. Or seemed too at least.
We had some food and beer and a swim in our pool
after that we just said goodbye to eachother.
10 min later I realised that we said goodbye to eachother
and probably never gonna see eachother again? WHAT? AGAIN?
Ohhhh.... :S

yeah yeah. I left Phuket this morning anyway.
So, now I'm on Phi Phi Island.
Only had 3 hours of sleep so I'm gonna go to bed now and have a walk later tonight.
Gonna try to contact Sofie and talk to her.

Cheers loved ones.


I'm confused. Traveling confuses me alot.

Where am I? What am I doing here?

Where am I going? Etc etc.

Religion are very confusing too.

One day you're in Thailand where everyone is Buddhists

and where prostitution is leagal (?)

The next day you're in Bali where everyone is Hindus

and there is shitloads of tourists, you can go

dressed how ever you like on the streets. It's ok!

Bali is the only place in whole Indonesia that is NOT muslim.

So, I go to Jakarta and totally forgot how it was in a muslim country.

(Like Malaysia for exemple that's also muslim)

So, people stare and guys follow me and talk to me.

They are just friendly, but many men can be so annoying.

But I don't feel secure. Not when I'm alone anyway.


So, what do you do?

Buy a BURKA and go fully dressed in 38 degrees so they don't look at you?

Or just don't give a flying fuck and ignore them?

Yes, that's what I do! I will not change, I am me!!!

And yes, I am blonde, got big boobs and blue eyes and I'm a girl...

It would have been much easier to be a guy though.

So... What to do? You go home, watch a movie and go to bed

early because of your flight in the morning.


I had my fun today though, taking pictures of some kids on my block.


Now I'm gonna be more confused again.

Going back to Thailand 1 more time.... This fucking Phuket.

But I will not stay there, hopefully. I really want to go to Koh Phagnan

(actually not over the Fullmoon party)

But for a Yoga class that is for a month,

the question is if they have it for less then a month,

because I have to meet up Annica in Manila march 10!

Oh, I'm looking forward to it sooooo much!!!

A real friend. One of my best best ones.

It's hard to believe actually (that she is coming)....!

Peter has been telling me for months now about the yoga,

and I've had it in my thoughts for a while but never had the time....

But now I do (until march 10) And I think I really need it too.

It's good for me. Makes me relaxed and focused on other things.

I realised that I'm safe back home.

But this is a thing I need to do for myself, to be alone.

I try to deal with all my fears.

And when I don't have any more fears,

I know I'm completed and satisfied with myself. Being strong.

Or strong-ER! I try my best with everything now.


One thing I forgot to tell you guys is...


When I did my diving certification,

I fell from a wet slippery stair and landed on my ass.

Hurted my back, but my pain went up the whole spine and I still feel pain.

I have hard time to breath once and a while because I think one of

the disks got fucked up and gives pressure on my lungs.

I went to a good chiropractor / reflexologist / massage place in Bali.

It was the best massage ever, but unfurtunatly it didn't help enough.

I felt better, he could see where in my whole body I had pain,

and it was true. He was really good.

My kidney and liver is damage from drinking alot and eating weird food.

Pressure on the lungs and pain in my legs too.

Mostly stumache problems....

Now I only wish that someone cracked my back

like it was before so it feels good again.

I seriously feel like an old lady, whining for myself about it....

Oh, ah, ih, eh, aw, ow....



ENJOY IT!!!!!!!

Now it's toilette time... Later dudes.




I'm exausted

I had a really great time the last couple of days,

I've been cracking up with laughter and cryed so I almost

pee'd my pants cuz I was laughing so much.

But now I have to get myself together again,

focus and make new plans in my head.


I'm in bed right now, in bed with my little Mario.

At least I always have one man in my bed that stays haha.

(Mario is my travel mascot for those who doesn't know)

Just trying to relax and listen to some good music.

I don't know what I would do without music,

I think it's the only thing that makes me REALLY happy!



Today we spendt the day at Hard Rock Hotel here in Bali.

The biggest pool on whole Bali. And yes, it was HUGE!!!

The pool at Hard Rock in Penang was just a baby compared to this.

We decided last night to rent a cabana for a day and split of 6 pax.

The weather wasn't the best but we had a great time anyway.

I think everyone was kind of OFF since the night before.

So, we were mostly swimming and hanging out in the pool only.

We went for some shakes and after that we felt kind of mellow and tired.


(Best shake in the world)

So we just went back, took a shower in the stinky bathroom that smells

like rotten eggs when you turn on the water. Nice.

Then I went for dinner at Bamboo corner with Lynn and Eddie,

and had a nice big cucaracha walking up on the table while eating. GAH.

And I had my first Bintang beer. Not a day too late.

And now I'm here, nothing interesting really.


I know something I need to tell you...


The american couple I've been spending some time with here,

(Lynn and Eddie) is absolutely awesome people from San Fransisco.

They are the ultimate couple. I am so happy for them.

They are so lucky to have eachother.

I think that is the first couple I've met in a very very long

time that really COMPLETE each other. It's so cute.

They are the PERFECT match!

They have been married for 11 years and it looks

like that they still are really in love. And I bet they are! =)

They decided not to have kids and they are traveling 3 years in total.

This is their second time in Bali.

Wow, I am so amazed. I'm serious really shocked.

This is what people are trying to find. The big love.

Their soulmate, their lifepartner, their everything.

And they still can party like rockstars! (with me of course)


Here we have from the left: Lynn, then Fabian and Lynns husband Eddie!


I hope everyone on earth could find the same thing.

The Big Love. It's amazing.

I just dream about it for now.

So, now it's time for bed.

As a end of this night I send you this funny, cool video to watch.



Hasta Mañana amigos.

Frustation & Retards

Day 1 on the surfing board.

I know how angry I can get when things don't end up like I want them to.

So, with other words – Frustation.

After trying surfing for almost 3 hours and did not make it up,

standing on the board, I gave up.

Or actually I didn't give up yet, cuz I'm going back in

1 ½ hours to give it 1 more shot, but I am soooo exsausted!!!

I gave up after 40 min in my brain, and after shoking salt water for 1 hour.

And the perfect wave is not easy either.

The beach has nice waves but there is sooooo much plastic.

You walk up and you are absolutely covered with it.

(Last time I'm swimming there, 4 sure)

High tide and low tide, it looks so easy, but FUCK it's hard.

Why why why, I want to!!!

I know now that it's not a sport for Lee Lee now anyway.

Just a cool sport to watch cuz there is always nice men

on the beach to look at hahaha.


This is my first day alone.

Completely alone. No traveling buddy anymore.

No Tim, No Frix, No Judith, No Sofie, No Adeline, No nothing nada.

I'm alone in my big room (that I pay alot for)

And tonight I'm going out. Alone. That's going to be awesome!

All crazy shit happens when u are alone,

cuz you don't have to care about anyone else, woho!! =)

I do miss them alot. I miss Sofie really much.

It all kind of sucks that our trip together went sooo wrong!


Well, I miss all my friends back home like crazy.

My friends mean more to me then they know.

They are my family. In wet and dry. Fun and Bad.

I know my friends are always there for me, no matter what.

Otherwise it's not my friend.

Yes, of course you fight. Friendship is a relationship too.

Nothing in this world is perfect. And NOBODY is perfect.

But I know 1 thing 4 sure, and that is :


All my best buddies is totally fucked up retarded and I love it.

I miss retards. Where is all the crazy people?

Why is everyone so fucking normal here?

I'm getting bored.

The problem with me is that I'm getting shy and don't know

how to act with normal people. (And people just think I'm a bitch haha)

That's also why girls don't like me.


I texted Jossan yesterday, I was watching a video online of us....

When she goes CP and show her bra =)

And GOD, I miss our fucked up crazy nights.

Humping to house music and just go WILD and don't give a FUCK!!!

From this moment on, I'm gonna stop care!!

We'll see where I end up in couple of nights ;)

I'm gonna try to find a retard now. BYE!!


A life I did not expected.

Many people who have done dives before knows that what I'm going

to tell you is an amazing experience.

Many people can not do it because of claustrofobia and

being afraid of water and sea animals etc etc.

Well, I have to tell everyone that it's a shame because

you are missing something AWESOME!!!

What I have seen on TV and heard from other people,

I liked it before I even did it myself.

So finally, today it was my turn to do it...


I can tell you for sure that it was the most beautiful,

wicked and best experience I've ever had in life,

when you are talking about PLANET EARTH.

It felt like I was I was ONE with the planet.

I had a strong weird connection. Like I was high or something.

It was so different, so amazing and pretty and absolutely beautiful.

It was a life I did not expected.

THE SEA LIFE. I was a fish.

I felt like I was in the movie FINDING NEMO.

Or in a aquarium surrounded with the worlds most beautiful fishes.

I just want to do it again and again and again....


The wreck dive was amazing.

I have never seen so many fishes before.

And I saw 2 stingrays and a small baracuda! :)




So, for those who haven't dived before in their life and consider it.

DOOOOOOOO IIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kata Beach, Bali

Bali is not what it seems like

When you're home and hear about Bali, it seems so exotic and passioned.

Hmmm... Media and advertising is a big thief in this, to sell expensive trips.

Well, Bali IS NICE.

But, many people don't open their eyes and see what's happening.

Bali is famous for the surfing and the nice beaches.

When you arrive to the touristy area named KUTA in Bali,

the beach is destroyed with PLASTIC everywhere...

I heard it may just be 2 months a year beacuse of the current.

And all shit swipes up on the beach.

I was so uppset when I walked there. It is soooo filthy and I was really upset.

Why don't anyone clean up this mess???

And of course the fishes dies, cuz they are trying to eat the plastic.

So there were MILLION of dead fishes on the beach,

rapped around with the plastic and shit.

It really makes me sad.


It really makes me sad, finding such a great place as BALI,

and it's absolutely destroyed. =(


Well, of course Bali has more nice beaches around the island,

but Kuta is important too. As rest of the world.



Here you go, have a look

R.I.P Fishy!

I'm a Certified Diver ♥

Today is a much better day then yesterday.
I was really frustrated about my hair last night.
But I had 2 amazing women next to my side who made my mood a bit better.
Judith and another woman named Barbera, from U.S.
Anyway, I took a looooong shower and washed my hair 5 times and it helped a bit.
Not 100 % but alot anyway.

I went to bed early because I was going up early for my open water dive today.
We went to Batu Besar, Nusa Dua here in Bali and practised my dive.
Everything went PERFECT the first dive!
My instructor was impressed by my skills and
he didn't believe it was the first time in open water for me.
The second dive was also very nice,
but I was droven up by the current to the surface and couldn't come down.
But, it went really well anyway.

We went back to the classroom, he checked my final exam and I did it!!!
I had only 1 answer wrong! 98 % correct!
He could not believe me. Neither could I! :)


Tomorrow I am going for a wreck dive in Tulamben....
So, from now on I AM A CERTIFIED DIVER!

Woho. Check list! Check.

The U.S.A.T. LIBERTY, a 120 meter long shipwreck,

is the remains of a US World War II freighter, torpedoed on January 11,1942 at 4:15 a.m.

by a Japanese submarine while crossing the Lombok Strait carrying material

(rubber and railway parts) from Australia to the Philippines.

Two US destroyers hitched up to the ship and tried to tow it to the port of Singaraja.

The damage was immense, she was taking too much water and her crew ran the vessel

up onto the beach of Tulamben 70km away from the nearest safe harbor.

For 21 years she stayed there, the people of Tulamben

secured all items of any value, even parts of the deck.

In 1963 the Liberty was pushed to her present location by the fatal eruption of the volcano Gunung Agung.

During this process the hull broke into two pieces.

Now she is laying only 30 meter from the Tulamben beach on a sandy slope 90�

on her side parallel to the shore. The deck side faces the ocean.

The Liberty ship wreck is the most visited diving site of Bali

at a  perfect depth for scuba diving ranging from 2.5 meters down to 29 meters.

There are a couple of impressive swim throughs,

but one must be cautious because the structure of the wreck is unstable,

every year parts collapse. An amazing growth of encrusting animals cover the wreck,

marine biologists estimate that about 400 different species of reef fish live on the Liberty.

It is not usual for this site to be visited by big pelagic species.

Mother Fucking Blonde!

I had a great day today.
I woke up 07.30 and the driver came and picked me up at 08.00.
Drove a very very tired Lee to school, back to the bench.
I did my teory and study for the test and I got Nasi Goreng Ayam
(Chicken Fried rice) for lunch.
The instructor was impressed of my skills allready.
So I told him I did the confined dive allready but never finished :)
So after that we went to the pool and did some of the confined, just to be sure of what I was doing.
They drove me home and I was starving.
I draged Judith with me to a restaurant, I took out my half dried hair and looked at it.

Not again.... It was TOTALLY GREEN.
This happened to me once before, in Mexico.
And yes, you may laugh but if you were here, I would fucking punch you in the face right now.
I am really mad and I can not do anything about this fucking crap.
If Adeline were here she would call me SHREK. (And no, it's not funny)

So, anyway... I run to the store (ALL STORES I CAN FIND)
Trying to find a shampoo for blond hair, or anything who takes away the green shit.
Not a single person can help me.
These girls are there to help, and they don't know what they are selling in the store.
I am so fucking tired of this retarded behaviour.
Asian people, the one who just look at you....
and then look at your hair and say: DON'T HAVE, DON'T HAVE! DON'T KNOW.
So, what the fuck dooooo they know?

So, for all BLONDE girls who reads this....

IT FUCKING SUCK TO BE A BLONDE IN ASIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Word mother fucker...

A day in Bali

Shocking records when I looked at how many had read my blog yesterday.

60 people. Woho. Nice. And still no comments....?

But I still don't have so much interesting to say anyway.

I've got a nice tan, not red at all, just brown and I love it.

Nice bikini line as well, both peanuts and pussy is whiter then whitest.

I havent spend so much time in the sun though,

not if you compare with all the other swedish girly girls that

hang around the pool and talk about what they are going to

wear when they go out and what they are going to eat, HA HA!

Today I feel really good, the paracetamol helped alot.

So I've been swimming alot today, but just in the pool.

I don't want to exaust myself cuz I'm well til 100 %

Tomorrow I decided it's time to surf. yes, finally!!!

And since I have been sick, I haven't had the time to dive,

I booked it til the 28th instead.

Tonight I think it's time to get really FUCKED!!!!

Cuz that's what I really need right now.

Just to let everything go and have soooo much fun until I die!!

And I'm gonna try to find Joachim too. (a funny Swede)

So, fuck this and let this party get started!!!!!

(The date is wrong)

So long suckers!


I feel better!!

Ok-la here is the deal.

I am not going to write so much today.
I don't have much to say anyway.
I'm going to show everything with pictures instead.

I'm completely dead.
Being sick in 35 degrees and funny sun is not a simple life.
Fever and a bad bad cold.... Laying there, feeling dead, made me think alot.
So, I decided to tell someone to FUCK OFF literally.
I can not have any more negative energy in my life.
I had that too much in life all ready.
So now everything is finished. Finito. Nada mas.
Made me feel better and have better hope for myself again! :)

So, picture number 1.
I remember last summer, sitting on a bench with Omri (my israeli friend)
We were sitting in the park, in Malmo and he told me many stories about Asia.
And 1 thing I remember, that I thought were funny is, when you go to Bali -
RONALD MC DONALD is standing on a surfing board.
Really? It's true!
So when I walked down the street and found Mc Donalds,
I could not remember it, but when I saw it I started to laugh like I was crazy.

Picture number 2.
Is what you find on the streets in Bali. Everywhere!
(The same in Thailand, but different because they are Buddists)
It's called sacrifises, it's a religion thing. HINDU!
75% of the Balinese people is Hindus.
They put this on the streets, in cars,
in front of doors, yeah almost everywhere.
Don't step on them.
It can be everything from food (mostly crackers and rice)
Flowers, banana leaves, grass and many other things.
This is one of them.

And finally picture number 3.
Just a picture I took when I was bored.
I felt so rich, all of a sudden....
And yes, I am... not for a long time though.
But it felt fucking nice to see all those zeros,
I just wished it was swedish kronas instead. :)

That's all for today. PUSS!!!

Mushi mushi mushi....

OK! This is going to be short.
I'm literally DYING over here.
It's rainseason but it's not raining.
It's just freaking hot, and I think I will pass out any second.
But we found a nice place to stay anyway.
We spendt last night (after our flight) on the MUSHROOM street.
And yes, you can buy shit loads of mushrooms there...

We moved early this morning to pay 1 euro more, for a nice place
with swimming pool, garden, balcony, AND breakfast!
150.000 RUPIA. (ca. 150 kr) and of course we split in half!

I booked my diving on the 25:th (3 day course)
And Judith will be leaving me january 31th.
Hmmm... Alone for B-day and Valentines day?

Ok. Time to go. Alot to do.

Todays picture

Straight from the airport in Kuala Lumpur.
Waiting for our flight.

Coffee and danish weiner bread.

Slept 4 hours, party hard last night at the reggea bar :)
(As you can see) haha.

Time to go. Hasta Luego.

I can see clearly now....

Couple of days with Judith, (my new spanish friend)

made me think about how I've been during the last year or 2.

We have been talking alot about life's rollercoaster.

Since I ended my relationship with L,

and how I changed mentally and fysically after that.

I finally did what I always wanted to do. I was alone and I loved it.

A gym-o-holic for the first year, and then I just packed my bags ans left.

And traveling turns you lazy and fat again,

and you want someone to love and experience the same things you do.

To see them together.

I've met people and seen things from all over the world.

I got more independent and started to love myself again.

This has been up and down of course, (it always is)

But I see things very different as I did before.

I've came a long way and I'm glad.

But I still miss something that completes me.

I still don't know what it is, so I don't know what to look for.


Well, anyway....to something complete different.


Me and Judith took the mono-rail and train to Times Square

here in Kuala Lumpur today (Not New York).

In there we found a rollercoaster inside the mall.

There were millions of floors with stores and if we walked in to all of them,

it would take us 3 days to finish I think.

It was Las Vegas all over again :)

Rollercoaster in the mall....

Well, today is almost finished.

Tonight we are going to celebrate our last night in KL with some whiskey,

drinks and party at the reggea bar here in China town.

Found many dudes in our guesthouse to go with. So, I will have to say.....

Good byyyyyye!!!


Bags are packed...

So, once again I sit here with my life in a bag.
Everything is packed and I'm ready to leave.... Again.
5 months in a backpack, and sendt home 2 boxes with stuff allready.
And I guess I will send home maybe one more until I'm back home
(if I'm going home??)
Judith and me (the spanish girl) are going to take the ferry and bus in couple of hours.
Kuala Lumpur for couple of nights, and from there take a flight to Bali.
It feels like a start of something new...I am ready for this.
I stayed here for way too long.
The people in the guesthouse have been through too much drama here allready.
And when I came back for the 345936th time, everyone knows me.
Fuck me, I'm famous (not in Japan but Langkawi) hahahaha...

Well, many people I met in october is still here:

The big turkish/danish man.
And the old danish lady.
The finish girl who always comes and sit here with her computer and leave.
Clement and Helen (Who Tim and Frida worked for)
The lesbian "dorm master" Leo, who had her fun watching and being weird.
Edy and the other girl who works here (never knew her name)
The old Japanese man who writes everyones name on a card (including mine)
Porrige man. Don't ask.
The group of frenchies.
Frida (of course he is still here)
Timur, from Kazakstan but works as a russian translator.
Sha, who is a cool malaysian dude who smokes alot.

And everyone else I forgot.
Everyone has really cool characters, and are so different.
The last couple of days has been really nice.
But Tim was missing. Of course.

And let's not talk about the cats. Nishi (rainbow in Japanese)
She was a baby kitten when I arrived and now she is almost grown up.
She doesn't bite anymore, and there is 4 new cats around here.
They keep coming here haha. So, now we have 3 new kittens.
(1 has a really bad eye infection, but it's getting better)

well, time to go, and stop talking shit.

Bye for now.


For the last couple of days I've been spending some time with 3 girls.
Judith from Spain, and Helen and Liz from Wales.
We had 2 great days, on the beach and doing alot of stuff here in Langkawi.
Me and Judith decided to go to Bali together.
A fresh new start of something good.

So, we booked our flight this night!
I am going to leave Langkawi, again in 2 days.
Going to spend 2 days in Kuala Lumpur for just see it, and the damn towers.
Then the 22th we fly from there to Bali. Woho!


1-2 weeks there, and then I don't know.
Let's make those plans then, not now.
Maybe even mr Fuck will come down there from Phuket.
But, now... I'm gonna enjoy life to the max!!!

So, I will say HASTA LUEGO!

Backpacker again

Right now, I'm located in Phuket town, Phuket in Thailand.
I've been isolated from normal people for a while now.
Leaving the boat, going to a "whorehouse", wich was beautiful inside actually.
Moving to Kata Beach,  were it was only Swedes ....
Wich was not a social life for me. Just families and couples staying at big resorts,
eating expensive dinners... and everything was just... expensive.
Nice beach though, and good side walk to jog on!

Well, anyway....
Left Kata today (cuz of the prices) went for massage before I left
and the nice thai girls helped me to catch a BUS instead of a  expensive taxi of Tuk Tuk.
40 baht compared to 600 is a big difference.
So, I arrived here at Phuket town couple of hours ago.
Not many tourists, wich I like... Everything is really cheap in this part of the town.
Bangkok prices. :)
Street food, wich is really cheap and nice fruit and food market outside of the hostel.

I arrived at this nice hostel called "backpacker hostel".
It's new, look like it's really expensive but it's not.
It's more like a hotel, but with bunk beds.
Free internet and cheap breakfast.

I was in total shock when I arrived.
Here were people in my own age, backpackers just like me.
Non locals and happy socialised people. Woooooh...
They were TALKING to me. Whaaaat the.....!!!
I havent been used to my old life for a couple of weeks now,
but give me 1 day and I'm back on track again :)
We were 15 people that sat in the "living room" and watched THE BEACH.
(Of course you have to watch it when you are in thailand)

And I actually wrote this yesterday but the hot guy next to me
accedently turned of my computer with his foot....
So, half of the text was saved and the rest was gone.
So I finish it today instead :)

Just got my passport and ticket back from Stephan.
No connection from Raja Laut anymore :)
Tomorrow morning I'll be leaving to the airport at 08.00
Kuala Lumpur / Langkawi.... Malaysia.

Well, thats all for me today.
Time for lunch.

Hasta manana!

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