Raja Laut
Today is my last day in Rainbow guesthouse.
Rick just called me and said, heeey, want to start working tomorrow?
I make a cabin clear for you tonight so bring all your stuff with you.
No questions asked, more like aj aj sir!
I have been up early every morning for 4 days now and thought that YES,
tomorrow I can sleep how much as I want too.... But noooo...
Today we went up and got picked up by a bus who drove us to the other side of the island,
I had a surprise for Tim since it has been his birthday.
We went to Mangrove. Eagle feeding, to a bat-cave,
swimming, fish-farm, free dinner etc.
A 6 hour trip, very nice actually! =)
But all of us are really tired and I should sleep a bit before we go out tonight....
My last night with the boys.
But we are not setting sails yet, just moving in to my
own little cabin on the boat and sailing next week or so.
Jade, my Irish friend left today too. :(
But she is probably coming back in december.
I sure hope so, she is a awesome chick! =)
Time to sleep.... Ciao