Merry Christmas in Phuket

How to celebrate Christmas in Thailand 2009.

We just arrived in Phuket, at Yacht Haven.

Last days has been very messy.

We checked out from Phuket after our charter.

Going to Langkawi and spend Christmas there.

3 hours after our check-out time, some guy called captain and said we're gonna

have a charter on the 26th, IN PHUKET!

WTF. So, we could only do one thing -

Leave Thailand for a day (to Langkawi)

And stay one night and then go back to Phuket again. Really sucked but we had to.

Anyway, I spend 1 day/night with Timmy and then we were off again.

Arrived just now, just took a shower.

Putted on my new red dress I bought here.

And my new pair of high heals. (also with red in it)

yes, first time in high heals for over 6 months or so.

I feel girly, almost overdressed but it's christmas once a year so what the heck.

My mood could have been better, but it's always like this for christmas.

Let's not talk about last night....Ohhhh...

I have ONE of all my loved ones here... or well, I left and he's still in Langkawi.

Just popped up a bottle of Rosé wine and we are waiting

for everyone else so get ready so we can go for Christmas dinner on the dock.

It's not like the christmas dinner we have in Sweden but food is always nice.

I miss the swedish food for christmas though.


Bilden “” kan inte visas, då den innehåller fel.



And normally they celebrate christmas the 25th, but we'll go out tonight.

So, me and Kalle the other Swede on board,

are going to have a normal celebrating CHRISTMAS after all, yay =)

But without Kalle Anka (Donald Duck)

Yes, if you guys didn't know, all swedes watch donald duck

on tv for christmas at 15.00 on chanel 1. That is tradition.

And yes, it's true. Ask any swede and they will say : OF COURSE!!


Oh I miss swedish christmas even if it sucks every time.

It's just a routine... and once without it, you miss it.


And I miss Joey. He left us yesterday.

He called me from Saba (Borneo) and I got really happy that

he called me even if it was only one day ago I talked to him.

I guess that this is my sentimental time at Christmas time.

I miss all my friends and everyone I love.

Here is our new captain Stephan, a cool man.
With Joey in the middle of course, and then Moi...


To something else. Me OR Tim is leaving soon.

One of us is going to take a good job offer and be away for 5 months.

But only ONE of us. I don't understand how I will manage without this person in my life for 5 months.

Again. It's longer then the first time we were away from eachother.

I really love this person as my friend.

Some days I hate him though, but that's something different.


But, a job is a job and both of us really wants the same thing.

I just wish both of us could go. I really would love that.



Now, to everyone back home... and where ever you are....

I want to wish you a merry merry merry christmas.

If it's white or yellow... it's up to u, be careful with the snow though.


Cheers and Love.

Postat av: Bitte

Lullegumman! Saknar dig med! Det känns som en evighet som du har varit borta nu..pust!!

Ja, klockan 15.00 den 24 dec stannar Sverige, så sant som jag skriver det. Jag mötte inte en enda människa igår julafton strax efter 15:00 på väg till Kulladal! Inte förrän jag kom precis utanför huset så mötte jag en italienare som stannade och släppte fram mig och vi pratade lite och önskade varandra GOD JUL. Väldigt lustigt faktiskt! Kram!

2009-12-25 @ 20:43:46
Postat av: killah

wow!!!! what a life!!!! you have! never a a boring moment. miss you lady! merry christmas!!!!!!! enjoy the warm weather and nice things - you can always come back to traditions next christmas (if you want)

love, shannon

2009-12-26 @ 04:18:27
Postat av: My Karlsson

Tycker mycket om det du skrev! Skojigt att se en del prima grejer och inte endast det vanliga sakerna som man kan läsa om varenda dag. ;)

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