It's one of those days

Now I surrender.
I surrender to everything.
Today is one of those days when you wake up on the wrong side.
I haven't got enough sleep last night and I woke up tired and cranky!
Everything was just "WÄ WÄ WÄ WÄ" like a baby.....
But I went up for Yoga class anyway and after the class
I thought that I would have more energy.
I was more tired, whining and had sore muscles.
Maybe it's my frustration that is annoying me?

When I came home, my dear wife Annica made a big breakast and
"PAPA HASSEL" came over and we had a tripple breakfast date together.
It was a long time ago I saw him so it was nice to be surrounded with his crazy & goofy humor!
That made me smile a bit even if I was sooooo tired.
After breakfast I left those two and went to bed again with my cold toes.
I woke up 30 min ago and it's now time for me to go and by glasses (or at least look at one).
Yes, I went to the optician yesterday and aparently I can only see with 50 %
I've noticed my bad eyes since couple of years ago
but I never thought that it would be THAT bad.
Maybe 80 % or so, but 50??????????

This explains my migrain and headaches for couple of years.
Problem solved maybe?
So, it's time for Lee Lee to get glasses!!!

Coconut skin!

Today I "started" my first real day at the Yoga center Kendra
(which means center in sanskrit ;))
Up at 06.00 and started at 07.00 - 08.30
Me and Miche decided to eat breakfast together after
the Yoga and when he had left Leon on the kindergarten!
On the same street where I live they have a nice café namned Simpan.
I've never been there before but it was pretty cozy and nice :)

Later we went to Pappas and bought some tea.
I went home and changed and pick up my credit card which I forgot at home.
Then I went to town again.
First alone then I met Jan for 5 minutes and then Annica came
and we had lunch together. Mmmmmm - Salmooooon salad :)

I found a nice bag for my Yoga-mat :)
2 tops (black & white), jeans west and a grey cardigan.
(yes, autum is here allready)
Wallpaper paste, 4 white candles, 3 brushes and some acrylic paint.

And the best for last:
Coconut perfume from Hawaiian Tropic and body butter also in coconut.
So now I have the perfect sweet coconut skin :)
Smells sooooo good!
Yum yum, I want to eat myself....

Damien Rice.... <3

Lost in translation

I know I've been bad at my blogging lately but I have so many things on my mind
and I want to write more then I should but I don't know how I'm going to express myself,
without that it sounds wrong or weird.
I want to choose my words visely.

I feel good. I am happy and greatful to be where I am today.
But I noticed that I have so many mixed feelings.
And when I'm not satisfied with myself, I can't control my feelings either.
Feelings I am afraid of and don't want to experience again.

I don't want to feel that sort of pain again.
The next time is going to be harder for me but I can't blame anyone.
The only one to blame is myself.
But I'm not crying over it, I'm happy because it happend.

Everything is a experience...
An old part of myself that is hard to let go of, keeps popping up from time to time.
It's harder to deal with it here back home then it was when I was away.
And I now understand why I drank so much as well (earlier).

Then only thing I look forward to right now is next friday when I start the Yoga again.
So I can start over again and get on track.
Focus and concentrate on myself again.
Even if I am detoxing and doing cleansing I've been so unfocused.
I felt good as hell when I woke up and I had alot of energy.
When I walked down to MALMÖ FESTIVALEN (that started today)
with beautiful Joel, he felt a bit "off track" and since I easily sense compassion
and get influenced by others easy, I feel like a big pile of poop at the moment.

I was suppose to try slackline with him and his roomies too, but I walked home instead.
So now I'm laying on Annicas green carpet and whine my ass off for nothing.
It's just old feelings that is coming up inside my head that I can't control.

Now I really wish that I had someone to talk to and that I could get a big hug.
It's now time to finish my painting...............

Ta taaaa

Day one!!!

Cleansing, purification, detox, yeah you name it....
I start now. DAY ONE - CHECK!
From now on my "summer vacation" is over.
In about 2 weeks from now I start the Yoga again, and I want to start detoxing NOW!
I feel fat again, I gained weight again thank's to my "holiday" at home.
Being lazy, happy and a bit stressed. And alot of food without exercise.
It takes alot to come back to "reality" again.

I've felt like shit lately when it comes to weight, exercise, yoga, meditation,
concentration or just focus... Or what I call it: Vacation!
So, now it's time to start over again.
I kicked myself in the ass since this weekend.
A person inspired me alot to get into it again, so I am very happy at the moment.
But still not "my best". I work hard with myself every day.

Today I've met the guy I'm gonna change aparment with and signed some papers.
Feels good as hell. - CHECK!
Then the whole cool gang will live on the same street.
Friisgatan is the place to be then :)

I've also ate really good home made food today with some good company.
Indian food. Oh it was sooooo yummy in my tummy!
Then I got a home made chai tea with some chocolate almonds (Bonus points)
A movie and then a walk in the park.
Great night. :)

It's now 03.20 and I think I need to go to bed before I pass out on the sofa.
I decided to go to Stockholm next week!


A weird but really nice week, and it's getting better.....

I think I attract different kind of people around me today then I did before.
This week I've had new people around me.
I like it, because some of the people I've never met before and the feeling
I've got was relaxed and very easy to talk to.
Maybe it can be because I've changed alot and then you just attract
other people you maybe never thought you would talk to earlier in life.
But this people I've met lately, I feel relaxed with and it feels like I've met many of them before.
They reflect parts of myself.
A sort of connection and understanding I can't explain.
Smart people. But I think many of them try to lay low. I love it.
Can't stand people who brag.

I met a girl, and I barely connect with girls normally, but she is like me.
It's sooooo scary, thoughts, believes, childhood, relationsships -You naaame it!
She is a goofball just like me! She feels like Lee Lee number 2! :)
Props to you!

I lay very low at the moment as well, there is alot of things inside my head.
There are no money to fly to Bordeaux to visit Adeline either at the moment.
I have to wait for over a month or so. :(
But the good news in this is that I finally have found myself an apartment to change.
Now the only thing is the paper work and to MOVE all
the things I have around whole Malmö, 1 october ! :P

But then I have a normal kitchen again, aaaaand a balcony & a walk in closet!
So let's just hope the guy don't change his mind! :)

This weekend I've got a visit. Actually looking forward to it ALOT!
It was years years years ago. And then we are going to a Crayfish party
(which we have in Sweden every year in August)
And drink our little snapps as well. It's going to be fuuuuuun! :)

I also met Sebastian from Helsingborg,
that I met in Bangkok and Langkawi couple of days ago.
Hade dinner with him and his friends.
It was nice to catch up again after 11 months :)

Today I am going to dinner with the couple that lives in my apartment and eat libanese food.
I think it's going to be a great time tonight as well.

And hopefully in late september or october I will move and then
I've got another visit from another country. WOHOOOO...

I have alot to look forward to, but one day at the time.
This year have been one of the best in a really long time!!!
I am soooo happy, even if I've burned my armpits with wax today hahahahahahaha

Dumb ass!

Once upon a time, there was a dumb ass!
This smart head forgets her wax in the microwave and it gets too hot.
She waits for it to cool down but it is boiling hot.
Since she have no patient of waiting, she puts on the wax inside of her sensitive armpit,
even if the wooden stick says "NO!" with big letters...

She screams and takes it away fast.
She did not get any hair, it just burned her skin.
It hurted her and she is now in alot of pain.
She blows on the wax, to make it cool down a bit more.
There after she puts on the wax in the other armpit and does the same thing over again.
She is now in alot of pain in both armpits.

This dumb ass didn't learn from the first mistake.
And now she is sitting with 2 bottles of ice cold water
under her armpits to make them cool down.
The dumb ass name is Lee Lee.

The Bearded Lady

Yesterday Sofie called me and asked if I wanted to go to Copenhagen with her.
Gather together some friends and go somewhere.
I'm not hard to convince so of course I said yes :)

Sounded like a perfect idea but in the end we ended up just the 2 of us.
It was not many hours that we spend there but it was more then enough.

We enterd a area with a CIRCUS from Spain.
There were alot of French people too.
There were costumes that you could borrow, lounge area, pancake stall.
Chai tea, bread and other types of food and alot of entertainment.

We missed the Circus show though, but we heard it at least.

I felt like a kid in Alice in Wonderland.
It felt like a fairytale and everyone was happy and smiled, there were no problems.
I liked the feeling and everyone talked to everyone.

There were a weird waggon with talking dolls inside and then there were the bearded lady.
The weirdest thing I've experienced in a long time.
I've never seen a REAL bearded lady before, she also was a bit like a fortune teller.
But she said she read energies and how you are etc, and not the future.

This woman was something special.
We stood in the rain with some other danish guys and ate some leaves that you use for cooking.

And then it was my turn.

I said nothing to her, she looked at my hands on both sides and then looked at me.
She there after told me how I was, what I liked, relationships, what my career would be like,
what interests I have and what I should do more,

how I've changed myself and what I'm looking for in life.

3 times during my palm reading, we got interupted.
First a bug, then some rain in the tent and then finally the electricity went out.
Maybe I shouldn't have done it?

But what she told me was exactly how things are right now at the moment.
I've been to a woman like this before and some of the things she said,
was exactly the same thing as I've heard before.
And by that I mean EXACTLY the same.....


I had a vision I've had before, how my life is going to be at that moment.

I saw my life flashing by my eyes, I saw myself in situations.

I can create my own world. It is true.

I know what I can do, and I will do it, but my problem now is just money.

But with time, money comes. I just have to work hard to get it.

Patient Lee, patient!!

There is so much love for all the people that I can't love just one person.
I love everyone on this planet and I think you should do too.
But the relationship to one single person is stronger, that is powerful.

She also told me about 2 men in my life that I won't mention by name.
But everything she said was so right and some things I knew allready,
but I just wanted to have someone else to confirm it for me.

The meeting were very special to me.

Sofie wasn't so taken away as I was,

so we continued to the place where they have the

"toilettes with the fish inside the roof" and found 2 norweigan girls.
Then after a while we went to 7/11 and I bought food and stuff for over 150 danish kroner.
Walked half way to the station and then took a bicycle cab for 2
(almost like a tuk-tuk)  to the station and then the train home!

That was fun. It's those small things you never do that is cool! :)

A weird night with many nice and mixed feelings.
I could go back to see the CIRCUS SHOW tomorrow, because we missed it.
It would be a perfect night for weird and cool pictures.
But sorry mates, no camera!

Everyone should experience what I experienced.
Adeline where are you now??

Lots of love to everyone :)



In my head I think of her more then anything else at the moment.
My baby is gone.
Some people may think that I didn't care about her.
But I did. More then ever.
But I was not able to take care of myself in that moment,
so how could I take care of someone else?
I am crying as I write this because it hurts to loose someone that have been with you for years.
And I am crying like a baby.
No matter what it is, human, cat, dog or what ever....
It's a part of you and your life and to take away a piece of you always hurts.

Before I tried to stop thinking about her because I gave her away.
I gave her away because I needed a new start in my life and by that I started to travel.
And I thought THAT was hard.
But I knew she was safe and had a good life with my cousin Patrik,
so I didn't have to worry about her.
And after a time I didn't think about it.
Or at least not so much since I had myself to take care of.

Until I came home from my second trip.
I received a phone call from my mom, yes not even from my cousin himself.
The words I waited for but never wanted to hear was like a knife in my heart.
The words I didn't want to hear, and didn't want to think of came to me.
I just answerd: WAIT!
I just wanted to think and maybe maybe maybe someone else wanted her.
But who was I fooling?
And then I received a e-mail..... and I had to make a decision.
Why me?
As I told everyone before....
PLEASE DON'T LET ME KNOW if something happens.
Just do it, don't tell me and don't ever ever ever talk about it.
But since she was marked, I had to make the decision.

So now my baby is gone. My love.
My retarded cat, wannabe dog.


I've kept your duck. Your baby. Your baby will be safe with me. :)

Goodmorning Möllan!

Today is a day when I feel alot better.
I slept until now, and it can be because I closed
all the windows and made it all dark in the room.
It's 13.48 at the moment, yes it's a bit late... but late for what anyway?
It's nice to sleep away the time when you have been sick.
And don't hear anything from the festival outside.
Specially late at night when people are drunk.
OMG - people were nuts!!!!

But it was alot of fun to watch.
It's actually a miracle that I could walk outside the door yesterday.
And no one believed me that I was sick.
They thought it was days ago... hmm... how is it with the memory people?
It's always like that though. I never show pain.
I'm not a cry baby, and WHEN I am, I will never show myself outside or to anyone.
It was nice to see David anyway, even if it was just for a short moment.

Today I'm walking down with mom on the festival for a bit.
And then I don't know... I guess that my whole day is going to be on the festival.
My wife left me and went on vacation with her family for a week in Strömstad.
I am just taking the same steps at the moment....(not good)
And it feels like I don't exist for some people.
I am there but in the same moment, I'm not.
Bummer for them.

Right now I am just looking forward to a visit from another country.
Or just someone else. Someone new. Someone different.
Someone interesting. Someone I can learn from.
And to have my own apartment and get a normal job.
Yes, I know I have a job... but not my future job.
Well, let's start with to get some money first.....


Influenza Virus!?

After 3 days away from Malmö to Copenhagen - Oslo
and back, Annica felt a bit sick on the way home.
There was something spreading on the boat.
Signs with Influenza virus around the boat didn't scare me.

When we arrived home I felt sick as well.
We went to the park and ate some salad and tried to relax.
A heavy headache came crawling slowly and we took our bikes back home again.
I trew my things in the hallway and flew in to the toilette as fast as I could.
There I spendt almost my whole night.
Both me and Annica went to bed at 21.30 and slept over 12 hours.
Accept that I spendt couple of hours at night on the toilette.
There is nothing left in my stomache and my appetite is gone.
Just looking at food makes me wanna throw up again.

I am a ZOMBIE!!!!
David just came over with movies, to make the time go faster.
Outside our window there is a festival going on.
And everyone is going. Accept me.
I have to look from the window :(
But I also have go outside to get some fresh air and move my body.
Laying down in the same position for 12 hours is not good.
I feel really stiff everywhere.
But in the same way I am really afraid, because I called in sick from work.
So, if they see me.... it ain't good.
Annica told me to go undercover! :P

Well.... Let's hope I am better until tomorrow!

Green fingers ?

Couple of weeks before, I accedently killed Annicas BONSAI!
This tree needs to take a "water bath" every day. which I missunderstood.
I killed it, but we tried to help it.

It worked. Maybe I have green fingers after all?
It's on recovery at the moment, but heeeey I'm trying my best over here ;)

Today is a day of cleaning, laundry, packing and just being home and take it easy.
But I did ONE stop today, and that was to Jane, Miche, Leon and now little Eden.
I just had to see their new little baby girl.
I gave Leon 2 gifts I bought at work. :)

Aparently he allready had a glas like this, bummer.
But now he have 2!!!!!  Beat that kids!!! :P

A fake ice-cream! With bubbles inside!!!
Always fun in the summer, to blow bubbles :)

And that's it for today....

See you on thursday :)

My sweet sunday!

What I need right now is silence and stillness.
For the last 2 days I had 9 hours of sleep.
I will go to bed soon and I will meditate before that.
I get really relaxed by my insences :)

Today I've been in Degeberga with my grandmother on a antique market.
Sold stuff and bought stuff. (I can't resist)
It's once a year, so I think I'll survive.

I came home with a new antique leather bag.
A really good deal, and it's perfect for me as well since my calender fits.
(It's so god damn big....grrrr....)

The old school phone is now MINE!!!!

My lamp. Got it from grandmaaaaa....the phone as well :)
And then I bought a pair of YIN/YANG earrings
but I am too lazy to upload a picture on them....

And there my whole sunday was gone.
I came home and I started to be a bit creative instead.
I organised everything in the kitchen.
Or at least all the food on the shelfs and made it look pretty. :)
And so both me and Annica can have more space.
Either she will love it or hate me after doing it, but there is space at least!!!

And I also made some food.
I just took a little bit of everything.
Result: AWESOME!

Garlic mixed with greek youghurt and feta cheese

After that I tried out Annicas blender and did myself a smoothie.
I had fresh squeezed orange juice since earlier today but I blended carrot,
banana, strawberries, soy milk and some lime with it as well.

Aaaand, there is one more so I'll save some for tomorrow,
blend it with some protein and drink it for breakfast! :)

Now it's movie time.
Tomorrow is cleaning day!!!

I want to be a hippie!

Today I had people looking at me when I was riding my bike.
Some girls (young) went by my bike and talked about my bicycle basket.
That was fun :)
Myself had a band around the head, shorts,
my silver pilot sunglasses and a  top with flowers on it.
It is summer and I think it's pretty, so why not?

I may have been looking like a hippie. But that is just nice right? :)
As I was driving around on my way home I actually felt a bit hippie.
Mostly because I left my bikini at Marcello
when we were out taking a dip in the ocean earlier this night.
The water was cold this night but it felt really good.
Just like a Swedish summer SHOULD look like.
And we were right on time to the sunset at 21:30 :P

It was a bit cold this night as well on my way home.
But I still have shorts at night, and for being me
- Lee, who can't stand cold, this is a thumbs up!!

I had my music on and I listened to Jimmy Hendrix on the way home.
In those moments you wish that you were a teenager at the seventies.
That would be cool.
If I could live any lifetime I would choose the seventies I think.

At Marcello we watched GRANDMAS BOY from 2006.
I have never heard about this movie before, ever.
And it was hilarious and retarded - I totally loved it.
Stoner movies are so awesome!!

But I am a bit retarded myself as well, so maybe that's why?
If you ARE retarded like me and totally missed this movies for years,
I'll have something to tell you: SEE IT !!!!
And see it NOW! It really cracked me up.

Take care, be safe and peace on you.
From the flower girl :)

Beach time

The REAL summer is here to stay.
It is hot and I love it.
I stopped with everything I am doing at the moment and I just went to the beach.
I've been there for days.
Relaxing, getting tanned, played music, had picnics, play cards, chillin' with friends and talked alot of shit.
Been drinking beer and have done activities such as swimming, football, basketball, bmx.
Cruising around on your bike through town day or night.
Speakers pumping music loud through the backpack.
Good food, good weather and the summer is something I enjoy so much here in Sweden.
It does not last for a long time so I will try to be out as much as I can and have a awesome summer.
And being with awesome people, having people I like around me also makes it fantastico!!!

HOT TANNED PAPA HASSLE :) (Johan aka. Mister Cubano)

Beer time at TEMPO! SUMMER!!! Meow, Meow!

View from the hill, west harbour.
(our usual spot)

Compareing tans. Me to the rights, and Malin is giving Papa Hassle a leg massage.

Oh Fluff, dear Fluff oh my little Fluffy! :)

The kick of today....

I was suppose to write something earlier today but I got
migrain and tofally passed out on the couch.
I missed the soccer with Spain and Germany as well.
Just couple of more games and then WORLD CUP is finished.
Sweden isn't playing so I don't care that much.

I was suppose to go to the park and watch but the couch looked better.
Woke up at 23.30 and now I cannot go back to sleep now.
The smell of pizza, down the street is getting into the appartment.
I am hungry.

It's hot outside.
It is summer.
I LOVE the SWEDISH summer.
There are people everywhere you go and in the same time it's so empty.
The parks are filled with people and you can be outside :)
It is only dark for couple of hours at night. Feels like the sun never goes down.
Sweden is beautiful. Of course you can complain about many things,
but WHY complain when you can see the good things?
Why even be negative when the summer is so short?

I am more then happy to be home during the summer.
I am enjoying my life to the full right now.
It can't get any better. It is so great.
I cannot complain about anything.
Sometimes I get those feelings when you just enjoy everything around you.
Watch the sky, the birds, the clouds, the trees, the grass, the people and the life you are living.
And of course the company you are with.

Are you a person who lives TODAY?
Are you a person who lives for the moment?
Who feels all the love you have in your life?
I know I am.

Memories that will last for ever and hopefully never go away.

A feeling of freedom.
That little kick you get where you feel alive.
Like you have your life in your hands and can do what ever you like.
That little kick is a KICK ASS feeling and I wish it never goes away.

To think different is something I got stuck on.
I started alot of analyzing with/on people.
Things you wont notice when I see you.
But things that is going on inside of my head in the same time.
Just thoughts, actions and how different people think and behave.
I compare with myself of course and I try to figure out other people how they think and work.
To go deeper.
Underneith and try to find or see the good things.
I notice that many people puts on a mask in public places.
To be someone that you are not is not good.

I am glad that I met some new friends.
I feel really relaxed with them and I like them alot.
I can be myself. Nuts! Without them caring.
Because they are like me.... Woho!
I need more people like that around me.
Nuts but smart :)

Had a great day in the park today with Per.
Super great guy.
Then Elin sat close to us and joined us for a while.
Before we left my headache started to come to me and when
I came home the migrain hitted me.
I ate, drank and I passed out under the blanket and haven't moved since then.

Now it's time for bed again.
I made it all cozy inside the livingroom.
Matress on he floor in front of the TV with million of pillows.
I will sleep in here.
Good night :)

My lips don't lie...

This is when I'm inside my bubble.
When you should not disturb me.

When I'm walking around the appartment and dancing.
Being creative and just pumping the speakers hiiiigh :D
This is when you look at me and think that I'm nuts.
But you know what?
I don't mind at all. I think I am anyway!

I'm wearing my baggy jeans. They fit perfect!!!

My lips never lie.

Doing my best pose.
You just got to love me more ;)

I'm on my way out in the night.
Yesterday the bridge over to Denmark celebrated 10 years.
TEN YEARS????????
WHAT? When and HOW did it go 10 years?
Well, face it Lee - I'm getting old!!!

Me, Per and Magnus went down to the harbour in Limhamn.
It was fireworks and they were big.
I was a little bit disapointed though because I thought it was over the whole bridge.
They had a couple on the whole bridge but mostly on land.
You could see the same fireworks from Denmark as in Sweden.
Pretty cool and it was nice to sit and look at.
I had my picnic bag (from my bike) with me, with coffee for everyone and cookies.
Woho...  the guys got to love me for bringing some munchies for them :D

They spended many million on those fireworks I think.
They were pretty huge.... nice.
It was a long bike ride and the guys had their inlines.
Afterward we went to the "retard dock" and sat there for a while.
I went to Marcello and said Hi and then went home.
I came to bed 04.30 after a weird bicycle ride back home in the morning light.

It was still sunset yesterday at 01.00 AM!!!!


It is now time for me to go to the park again.
I have not been doing much the last week.
Just relaxing and hanging in the park.
I had a great week with Per and Magnus.
Thanx alot guys! :)
Who can complain being alone girl with 12 guys???

There is no energy for anything else at the moment, I just have to clear my mind.
I manage on my svadistana chakra at the moment.
Good things and lazy days.

I just enjoy the day.
Just love my life and live in my bubble.
And you should let me be there too.....
While I am in my bubble I listen to this.

Bubbles are nice.

My pimped Baby!

What would my bike be without a sign with my name on it?
Pink flowers?
Mirrors on each side like the motor bikes?
And a honk like a angry and hungry dinosaur?
AND a normal bell?

My answer is NOTHING!
This is Lee's bike and Lee's bike needs to stick out from all the others! :)

Old ladies came up to me in town and said that my bike is cool and that the flowers are pretty.
Some girls in the age of 14 stared at it and wispered, wow did you see the flowers?
Yeah, this is how I show off!!!

But I like it, no I LOVE IT!
It's my CREATION and MY BIKE and you know what?
It is not finished!!!!

I want to paint the whole bike and I want to put more flowers on it!!!
It's a project. It's my baby. :)

Let's just hope that no one steals it. Knock on wood.

Thievery Corporation blasts the speakers - Kick ass!

See you in the park

Summer is here to stay.

And I LOVE SPOTIFY!!!!!!!!!


Today have been a weird day.
A very good day like many of the other days that has just passed by.
But today was something speciell.
It was a bit Thailand feeling over us all.
Chilling on the beach, crusing around town with the bike.

Just a chill normal day and that you enjoy. But with extra sun and friends.
Me and Sofie sat in her appartment a while then
had a walk to the park in the middle of the night.
We both had a "vacation mode" of sun, music, chill out, laughter, and good company.
And one in our company reminds me of someone that me and Sofie both met in Thailand.
She felt it too, and they are so alike it's scary.
Me and Sofie can connect on a whole another lever sometimes.
It's good sometimes because we both don't need to say a word,
we just think alike sometimes.
But it was great to meet her and hang out and then meet
the others in the park and watch the watershow.

The sun is up now again, it's 04.13 am and I should definitly go to bed.
I am just really gone with the wind at the moment.
WoW what an night.

Got to love everyone. Peace!

Hangout in the park

YEAH Boooooiiiiiii!!! :)

I had a great hippie-chill day in the park with my hippie dress, nerd glasses,
Per, Magnus, and their friend who I can't remember the name of
(the guy on the right) Sorry!

I've been outside for so many days and it feels like I haven't got things done.
But I'm rather outdoors with friends and do stuff then indoors and do crap.
Socializing a bit and just laying low. Chillin´ :)
Well, I need to be alone soon but many friends are on vacation so why
don't hang out in the sun while you CAN instead???

Many people like to hide in their little nest, so I guess I have to be avalible haha.

I enjoy every single moment. Even if I am alone :)
As long as then sun is up, I'm good.

Thanks guys for a great day!

Oh what a feeling

From that simple day to a really awesome night.
A feeling in my body of happyness.
Nothing and nobody could take away that feeling, ever.

Sitting there, looking at the fullmoon in the night and the view over fo Denmark.
What a feeling. What a nice summer night.
And even how mad I was at my friend before, I still love to spend time with them.
And this was a great night.
Just sitting and enjoying the calm water and the lights on the bridge.
Listening to the water hitting the rocks.
And just LOVE it!
It was still a bright sky even if it was past sunset.
It was really late. 00:30 am to be excact.
3 more hours of darkness and then the sun goes up again.
Summer is the best in Sweden, the sun never goes down :)

I said: If I die now I die happy.
Meanwhile I was bicycling from the bridge over to denmark, to town.
On both my sides there was meadow around me.
The summer air was getting warm, it was nice.
But it was getting late and when the sun goes down the cold come easy.
But since the all 4 of us was on bicykles, everyone was okey.

The streets were empty and you could hear cars from far far away.
I hear "M's" speaker playing some music and I enjoy it as I
look up into the clear sky and it's stars.
Inside of my body was a feeling of joy.
Nothing could stop me now.

Thank you guys for an awesome night.

My night ends with a cup of soymilk and OREOS!!!
Goodnight Malmö

Peace out :)

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