Happy Easter!

Det börjar gå över styr med dom här jävla påsk kycklingarna nu!
Dom är överallt och ingenstans.

Idag hittade jag en i bland mina röda linser.
Shit så ball det ser ut.

Hur kan dom vara så roliga?
Och vem fan har kommit på dom fula kycklingarna
som man enbart använder en gång om året?
Jag har kycklingar i hela lägenheten.
Och när folk är här hemma så flyttar dom på dom
så jag hittar dom lite överallt hipp som happ nu.

Jag skrattar ihjäl mig varje gång jag ser en.
Techno kycklingar är dom för att dom är gröna.
Jag fick mina av Tess. Sen spårade det ut.

Jag köpte svarta och vita till Dee
(nu när hon var så snäll och bjöd på påskmiddag)
Så nu har hon också kycklingar överallt....
Jag spred kyckling glädje hemma hos henne med andra ord.

Tom. Annica hade en på sin dator på hennes jobb.
Fast det var en riktig... Gul med andra ord.
Tråkig, men söt ändå.

Alltså... Kalla mig barnslig.
Men jag är JÄVLIGT glad över att jag har humor!
Och att jag är lätt road.
Och att jag kan skratta åt det mesta faktiskt.

Jag skattar för hilvede åt mig själv....
Orka va bitter!

What have I done lately?

Ja vad har hänt dom där dagarna när jag inte har skrivit så mycket?
Ja jag har försökt att ta lite bilder i dom mest roliga lägena,
eller dom där man vill minnas.

En dag var jag ute och gick och när jag kom till Aq-va-kul typ,
så hittade jag en rolig bil. Ja... ni ser ju själv!

Theresia kom på besök och käkade middag.
Hon hade med sig en present.
TECNO KYCKLINGAR som hon själv sa.
(Bara för att dom är gröna)
Hela min lägenhet har nu små små kycklingar gömda lite överallt.
I blommorna, på hyllorna, på datorn,
bland ljusen, ja.... där du minst anar det helt enkelt.

Jag och Dee invigde min balkong lite i solen också.
Det var sjukt mysigt och ljuvligt att ligga där och steka.
Framåt kvällen åt vi lite mat och Lee bjöd på några glas vin och mys på ballen.

Dagen efter så käkade jag och min fina frukost på ballen också.
I solen så klart :) Jätte mysigt!!!
Jag blev serverad en halv fralla av honom.
Tyckte det var jätte fint, roligt och omtänksamt.


Nu har jag min sladd för nu är jag hemma igen...
Så nu kan ni få se all mat som finns ombord.
(Enbart i personal matsalen)
Och bilderna är bara under lunchen...
Sen serverar de ju frukost och middag också.
Man går aldrig hungrig i alla fall...

Och ändå har jag inte tagit foto på all frukt, brödbordet (som är utsökt)
kaffe maskinerna och all dryck...

Jag kan inte förstå att Annica inte är tjockare efter alla dessa år hahahaha...

Just .... moi.... again....

On my way out into the snow storm! :)

Playing with my ping pong ball :D

Having fun with mums wig!

My one and only man! :D I LOVE YOU MAN!

I time to write at the moment. I'm studying.
Good huh? haha... Yes, very good girl :)

No I mean WOMAN! Yes, I'm a whole lot of woman today ;)
Smell you guys later.... Shanti Out!

So what's up with my life???

I have been really bad at taking pictures lately....
I think it was the whole "camera thing" after traveling,
because now I'm just home and of course there is interesting things to photograph
but to take pictures with your mobil phone all the time isn't the best,
and it can't take the pictures I want to either.
Then I have to take 30 in a row and it's just annoying,
so I don't take so many pictures anymore instead.
And to use my digital camera the whole time is just boring.
I want a real camera. A good camera. Then we're talking!

But I do take some from time to time.
And I have been taking some for the last week or so, but have been too lazy to upload.

So... Here it comes...

Autum at Nydala.

My bike at work :)

Work! :D YAY!

Baked potatoe with skagen mix at Öl Cafeét. Yum yum yum

This is how fun you can have at A&C Sportcenter when there are no costumers.

Nice hair do. Yes? Yes! This is when I wear a hat...

Is it just me who think this candy is a little bit pervert?
He is licking the berry god damn it!

Study... study... brain... is.... exausted...


On my way to school!

On my way home from school...

On the way to the beach...  :)

Sun is shining, the weather is sweet yeah...

Like Bob Marley were singing...

Drinking my new tea (suggestion from Joel - tea made from the bark on the Lapacho tree)
Good for the respiratory(?) and the wellbeing.
Eating my breakfast as I do every day.
Yoghurt, banana and my müsli mix with alot of gojis :)
And I stand up at the breakfast table (good that we have a tall table)

I sit down way too much and that I've noticed in my hips and legs during the Yoga.
My hips are sooo stiff and my thighs and legs too.
But I allready notice a difference and that's nice and my walk is more straight again.

Today started at 06.00.
Tired as always but after 30 min, I was shining!
The Yoga was so NICE today and I am full of energy again.
And then the sun is shining and the weaher is sweet and the music gives me a very good flow.
I just want to dance dance dance. (Like a little kitty cat :))

It's now time for some pictures :)

I will now give you this picture of me and my dear friend My!
See how bad I want to have a baby? HAHAHA...
Ain't working. NO ES POSSIBLE like they say in spanish.

Sweet dear and crazy little Ludvig!

Birthday child Dollan (in the background)
Then we have me and Anna :)

Joel gives alot of love to Elliot :)

The best. Kärlek = Love in Swedish!

Over and out buddies...

Om Shanti

A little picture update again

Beautiful Joel

Tommy and Joel at KB....

The sign says "NICE", so I guess I am :)

Pinchy is dead???

Crayfishes... at a crayfishparty!

Me, Anna, Niclas and Millie...
A retard gang delux

And theeeeeen.....

I show you some pictures....

Tried the functions on my new camera phone.
Does anyone know this apartment?
And WHO is always watching Southpark?
Can it be MARCELLO?

Sunset, west harbour - Malmö at 21.35

Per on Magnus rooftop, nice view over Malmö :)
He kind of remind me of someone else on this picture.

Ohhh, hello little hedgehog! Or as I say in Swenglish: AJGELKOTT!

More view over Malmö from the rooftop!!!

Mine and Annicas street, sunday 05.00 (am) = EMPTY STREET!

05.30 on the swedish roads.

This is what happened last night.....

Johan is feeling good haha

What is going on?

The little turtle head Papa Hassel.
This picture is a great shot of a great night.
What happened there?

It actually looks sexier then it is.
Bunny is in the game.

Papa Hassel had an EPIC moment!
You are fucking nuts boy. Crazy!!!!

Perfect picture from a good night as well.
Mangkuut, you rock!

Bunny (Annica) is in the picture!
Just smile and wave boys, just smiiiiile and wave!!

My hair :)

I smell Malin. I smell a Irish Coffee as well :)

Magnus, as miss HELGA FROM SCHWEDEN!!

Me, close up. And I give you some titties as well.

Johan went from being Mister Cubano to a Mexicano :P
06.00, feeling a bit tired I guess....

This is all I have the energy to upload.
This internet kind of suck at the moment so I've been sitting here for 2 hours soon.

Time to clean the appartment :)


La Playa y Amigos!

Me Like alot.

Peter the chief... Fully sober on Tempo.


Me. Flower in my hair.

My life guard is watching over me :P

Malin and her titties... like usual.

Meow. Jonas aka. Fluff.

Christofer aka. mister nose ring

Mister Brazilian man with the green tighty... ;)
The coolest Brazilian guy I've met in a long time.
You have to search more if you want to find a guy that is more hippie than this.

Shiney in my face? I am kind of BLANK! HAHAHAHAHA...
Meow meow. ;)

Papa Hassel and me.

Sanaa and Biggie!

Our view.

Sun bleeched hair eh?

Vanna Beach. Who said Sweden is cold in the summer??


Midsummer the old school way!!!

Here are some of the other pictures from Midsummer.
Nice huh?

Magical is my words.
Love them.

A bit "OLD SCHOOL" Swedish midsummer.
But that's nothing wrong with that.

Looove the wedding picture I took of Annica :)

Picture of the day - FAILURE DELUX!

Total failure when it came to taking a really beautiful picture of the bridge.
Me and Fluff stood at the end of the bridge and the sky was clear and the full moon
were shining through in the middle of the bridge.
It was a really nice kodak moment.
And we reacted in the same time and I took up my camera to take a picture.

After 5 min with my camera i totally ruined the moment and the picture
was a disaster. This is the FAILURE!
Great Lee. Very good!

So my kodak moment won't be ruined anymore!!

Thanx guys for a great night even if my pictures were ruined!


This is 3 weeks ago, the same day as I arrived home in Malmö.
And yes, it's my tan and no make-up! haha :D

The Gift!

I can finally post my first painting on what I painted when I came home.
This is a Birthday gift to my Annica.

For you guys it's maybe a weird painting.
But for us, this is Indonesia!
This is a memory from out trip.
I like to paint memories or something that means something.....

They say YES before every meaning they say and of course transport and massage is
(just like in Thailand) one of the things that they ask tourists if they like.

We saw a painting down there that had ONE man, and looked liked this.
We laughed and I took a picture of it, and then I decided to do a
"same same but different" in my own version, á la Lee!

So, this is to show my Love to you. Hope you liked it.


Home Sweet Home

This is pictures from 16th - Today!
Haven't written so much so I thought that pictures would be enough for ya?
Took a walk in the park today, this morning and took the camera with me.

Enjoying the sun on mums balcony

In the park with Fluff.

Breakfast. YUM!!!

Lunch with Jane and Leon in Folkets park!

Daddy loves his new grill... Oh Sorry, No it's no grill!
Now I even can't remember the name for it.

Walk in the park early morning.


Duck attack!

More of the park....

You even can see Turning Turso from the park :P

Oh hellooo....

You want to iron anything?

More park...

A swing for two :)

And this is how cozy I sit at the moment and write and upload this...
Nice huh?

Goodnight Malmö.


I think that the backgorund is a bit boring but I didn't know what to do.
So, finally I'm finished....

What do you think?

Late night Inspiration

When I traveled through Asia, I bought myself a sketch book.
When I was bored and was inspired to paint anything, I sketched it down with water colour.
In the end of my trip I came over many good sketches and decided to
do the best ones on big canvas as REAL paintings.

In the middle of the night I decided to start, only because I didn't want to go to bed.
I also started with one of the easiest one.
I am NOT finished yet.

And NO Annica, this is NOT the one I'm gonna give you.
I will not post it until you have seen it yourself and hang it on the wall ;)
I love the painting I did for you as well and I really want to post it up soon!

Say what you want about this one.
But when it comes to naked skin, I get really inspired.
I can inspire myself as well.
As many of my friends know, I have a naked painting of myself.
But I was never a model. Only in my own head haha.
It may sound weird and you can think what you want.
I see nothing wrong in this.
I am not naked. I'm just a painter.

Over and out.

Claymask and fruitsallad!

Did a turkish claymask with mum.
And did some fruitsallad and now she is going through my stuff that I'm giving away.
I am tired. I don't know why.

I'm gonna take a ride on my bike soon with Christofer and Marcello I think.
I was suppose to go to a party today but she cancelled it last minute.
Still sober. 2 months now!
One to go, but to be serious, I don't want to drink at all.
Next week I think that I have a free ride to Norway/England(?)
on the DFDS boat that Annica works on.
I invited Fluff and Marcello to come with me, since my wife works.
We'll see how that goes. But I'm gonna be sober anyway.
Just to go away is going to be nice.
Even if I just came home haha. :P

Tea, fruitsallad and mum wanted to have a cookie as well...
Nice. Yum.

My interview is on thursday. Wish me good luck ;)

Some old pictures I forgot

Sunset in Thailand somewhere, picture taken from S/V Raja Laut

Chillout at S/V Raja Laut.

Me and Joey, trying to grab my boob therefor our faces hahaha....

The chef is doing his thing. Cooking. Joey I miss you.

More cooking at S/V Raja Laut

The really fat frog. Haha.

Desert island in Thailand, where we spendt the night.

Just so you know! It's never too late hahahaha....

The old sunburned cleaning lady

I spendt my day on the beach today.
An actual beach where I could swim...WOHO!
And sometimes the wind fools you
and the result is a great sunburn....

I guess that I have to be lucky not to have a flash on my
web cam so you actually could SEE how red I am.
I have to work on my tan before going home to Sweden ey!

I also took my "holy scarf" and putted it around my head instead of my neck.
So now I look like a old cleaning lady.
But who cares? It is really comfertable anyway :)

Me me me me me me me me meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....

Now I'm gonna try to work on my headstand without a Yoga mat.
We'll see how that goes...

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