The great laugh from being happy...
Unpacked all my bags and believe me or not but it was like my birthday.
I was so happy because I found things in the bags that I forgot I had.
Clothes, books, liqure, more clothes, shoes, protein pulver etc.
Clothes I forgot I had! I was like a kid and it was so fun :)
Except that I don't have a jacket?
And my bike got stolen, but Fluffy will get me a new one he said. Hopefully.
Today I went to the bank, employment service, and things were flowing.
I ended up with getting a meeting with someone from
Royal Carabean next week.
After that I had a date at the playground in Folkets park
with Sophie and her little baby Agnes!
She got so biiiig! Woohaaa...
I noticed that my mouth was speeding in 190 km/h.
Bla bla bla bla... I was so happy to be home even if I still am a bit jetlaged and lost.
And from her I took the bus to my next buddy – Fluffy!!!
He fooled me that he shaved off his afro fluff, and I believed it.
4 hours, tea cups, laughs, and a couple of card games later,
he walked me all the way home. :)
I realized that I've missed him alot, the gentleman that he is. And all the others as well.
So I had a great smile on my face during the whole night and I felt
really happy to be back as everything has always been before.
The same ol' shit. But this time, I appriciate it more then I ever had.
I was laughing so much because I because
I built up a mental picture in my head how it would be like.
Things that some friends would say and do, and it was exactly like my picture in the head.
We both laughed even harder.... and back to playing cards again! Ooohhh!
I can't explain that feeling of joy.
I am glad to be back with my darlings again, even if I haven't met them all yet.
You should keep your friends close, if you don't treat them well, they wont stick around.
And you probably don't have anything more then that.
You may even be closer to your friends then your family.
So, be careful and think before acting.
I am also very glad that I can inspire people to do things without
actually saying or forcing anyone to do anything.
Things that I've experienced, traveling and working on yourself.
I think I can inspire people more then I think.
And I am so glad to talk to people that understands, respects and believe in me.
I have no internet, but locations around Möllan have – WiFi.
The only problem is that your connection disapairs whenever.
So, it's not the best and it's annoying.
Well, it's something anyway.
But I haven't the time for internet at the moment, since I have alot to do.
And you know what?
I told the weather gods that the weather should be better when I came home.
Today I read the news papers, and it said in big letters:
”The weather is coming now” See, they do listen to me.
Just like the problems in Bangkok.
I told them ”Hey, I'm coming over so you better stop with your war for a while”.
And the same day I arrive in Bangkok – what happens?
Jan, my friend!
I have a friend that I don't see that often.
His name is Jan and we used to work together in Denmark.
This amazing human being is a person that has one of the
most positive attitude I ever seen in my life.
He is kind, smart, funny and has a great humor.
He is AMAZING and you can't do anything else then love this guy.
No matter what situation he is in, he makes it and he is so strong.
I admire this guy so much, and to have been through what he has been through
and still have a smile on his face and go to work, IS TOTALLY AMAZING!
He is one of those people that understands that money isn't everything.
He is generous and full of love and he respect the person who respects him.
Even if I don't speak to this guy every day, and haven't been for many months.
I had him on my mind many times.
My phone got stolen so I don't know his number.
I've been wondering how he is and I've actually have been a bit worried about him.
But TODAY I finally got a friend request from him on facebook.
So my thoughts went through to him after all :)
And this beautiful man wrote me one thing:
”You have always been beautiful, but God what a woman you are in your heart”
Somehow that comment made me really emotionell.
It felt so deep and so real.
Maybe because I know what he is saying, comes from his heart!?
And by writing this, is not sexual or any interest of him in that way,
and not from him either (for sure).
He is a friend, actually one I really care much about even if we don't talk much.
And since he is not really interested in girls I don't have
to worry about that either...haha.
JAN. I Love you man!
Thomas DiLeva

The man I almost forgot that he existed.
He was famous hmmm.... around 10 years ago, or even more.
This Hippie man is singing about peace and love and he looks like Jesus.
Ok, I like odd people, but this man has always been a little bit too much for me.
I even remember when my mum listened to him. OH GOD!
I remember that me and Annica talked about him when we were on Bali.
She asked me if I've ever been on one of his concerts?
- NO?
- Good for you Lee!
I don't know how many times I've got oranges in my head from this man on his concerts!
I cracked up in laughter. Oranges?
Peace on earth, I hit you in the head with an orange :D
A great smile....
It was almost like I forgot him somehow, or I was just busy with my problems.
So.... I sendt a text and I thought that he is never gonna answer.
But I got a respond almost right away :)
And this person putted a smile on my face and totally made my day.
Nothing special really, but just how he spelled his text.
I then remember how he talks, and what good person he is.
And that, that's what made me all warm inside.
Sometimes you don't have to do alot to make someone else happy.

Me and M. talked about this person from home, when we met in Phuket.
She asked me about him, and I said NO NO NO WAY.
That was long time ago, just a waste of time and energy bla bla bla.
But in that moment I had someone else in my head, and I had my personal problems.
Now I'm problem-free and somehow....this person is still there, and still will be a long time.
So somehow, I always gonna have something there I guess.
I'm coming home soon so I can give you a BIG BIG BIG HUG!
muuuuuuak as the thai would say :)
Accidental Pornography
Joel Kinnaman
I was suppose to log in to my Blog account but something stopped me.
This man.... Helloooooooo there! =)

The new model of MQ!
I have to say, WHAT A CATCH MQ DID!
Can I borrow?
Mission completed
I'm closing the book and putting down the pen.
And I'm leaving this place, just right on time.
Like it was ment to be.
My mission is completed.
The "bad" feeling I had inside of me since couple of months ago went away.
I know myself so good and it was just what I needed.
Answers. And it didn't matter what the answer said. I just needed it.
It was like a bad demon inside of me just flew away right away after that.
Nothing that is hunting me anymore, no more brain ghosts.
I am not worried anymore and I can move on in peace.
The End.

Simple words for a man...
I remember what Steve told me.
”This young man, you need to take care of all right?
First thing you need to do is to wash him, he has to become clean.
He can not be this filthy.
And then you need to look after him and take good care of him.
Show him alot of love. And maybe even sew him back together again?
You got that clear sista??”
Is this what all men need or is it just my traveling teddybear Mario?
At least he is the only one in my bed for now :)
I fell in LOVE....
.....with a pair of high heels yesterday.
Since I haven't been shopping anything more then a Buddah's face
for myself during my trip, I think I deserved these shoes more then ever!
AND they costed like NOTHING as well....
I feel like a woman again and I feel sexy!
Beleive me.... I needed that!
And I just LOVE them... Aren't they HOT?
I am so tired of living in a shoebox!
I want my closet back with all my clothes,
I want my appartment back with my own bed and furnitures.
Like I said, when you travel for a long time,
you can't shop because there isn't enough space in your bag.
And you need to think smart... But I'm going home soon!
And I don't regret my shoe shopping for one second!
"My boys"
It felt good, and I realised that I miss them alot, just like her.
It's those guys that's always there no matter what.
It can go weeks, months that you don't talk to them,
but you know that they always will be there for you when you need it.
I haven't seen them for months and months, wich is hard sometimes.
We all have out personal life but our crew will always stick together even if some of us fight from time to time.It's those guys that is honest with you, you trust and never let you down.
And always will be the same and treat you right.
I don't know what I would do without "MY BOYS".
I love them alot, even if I don't show it that often.
So, guys, if any of you read this.... You know that I love you! :)

This is a picture with only 3 of them. A fucked one, but this is how I see them :)
Christofer, Jonas and Linus.
I'll be home in June.... No real summer without Lee! :)

HAHA. I want my kiddo to have the SUCCESS in the eyes like this.
More to come tomorrow. Time for bed.
Gonna see the world biggest flower tomorrow.
She knew that I liked Carolina Gynnings first book Ego Girl
that was released in 2005 (as far as I can remember).
I am very glad that I got the book,
reading a bit in Swedish also seemed so much easier and faster
when you are having your lazy days. (Instead of english)
And now since Annica has arrived,
I can relax in another way and talk a deep MALMÖ accent.
Anyway, I open the book and start to read Carolinas EGO WOMAN.
I laugh at the first pages.
I felt the same thing as I did in her first book.
How is this possible?
I know that I am nothing like Carolina, and I don't want to either.
I mean – I am me, and I don't want to be someone else.
But it felt like I was reading about my own life.
Except about her career, being rich, famous and a celebrety in TV shows etc.
My guess is that many girls feel the same thing as Carolina.
I don't know? But one thing is for sure....
Being a Swedish, BLOND with BIG BOOBS
is not the easiest thing in the world.
It can sound a bit lame, but I agree with her to 100 %
Surely I haven't done a boob job, but many people judge you
and give you a lable as BIMBO before they got to know you.
And it's not just in Sweden. It's everywhere.
Without respect, many people look at you like you are slut.
Or as she calls it: KNULLDOCKA (FUCKDOLL).
Without thinking that other people actually got feelings.
I couldn't stop reading the book when I opened it.
I just wanted to read more, more and more.

Carolina, a natural beauty!
Her writing is about bad relationship with men,
trying to find MR RIGHT but always finds MR WRONG.
That she is not good with hanging around with other girls,
and likes to make new friends.
Trying to find her spot somewhere else in the world,
because she thinks that she doesn't belong in Sweden.
Specially MALMÖ. (We are also from the same town.)
Being a bit crazy, doing her own thing and actually don't
give a shit of what other people think about her.
Because she thinks about herself.
Being selfish, IN A GOOD WAY!
Trying to make a good career and find a spirituell good spot in life.
But in the same time get bored and restless when everything is a routine.
Tired of all the party people around you.
She is also an artist/painter and a writer.
And a really georgeous MODEL.
I can not compare myself with her, since we are very different.
But somehow it just feels like I'm reading a book about my own life.
The only thing I don't do is being a girly girl.
Wearing alot of make-up, modeling, wearing fancy dresses etc.
Maybe if I was rich and skinny I would, but I doubt it.
I am not saying it's something wrong with it at all.
I have my curves, and I actually don't care so much.
She has been climbing up the ladder for years now and
I think that every human being in Sweden knows who
Carolina Gynning is by now.
She is absolutely a sexy, cute, and amazingly cool woman.
I also met her during the release of her paintings at the gallery
Rönnqvist & Rönnqvist in Malmö 2005. (?)
But she seemed a bit distracted with family around her even
if it was only me and my friend in there,
being the only one of her ”fans” looking at her art.
I am glad she took out her silicon boobs,
not that I had something against them. I don't judge people.
But I'm glad for her that she changed her life to something
more then just being called and seen as a BIMBO.
Well, here I am, in Malaysia on a bus at the moment.
Going from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Perlis to take the ferry over to Langkawi.
Langkawi, again. Feels like a second home right now.
I keep coming back there... Just like Phuket somehow.
We'll see how my new adventure goes from now on.
Have to wait until I get my passport.....
That's all at the moment.
I'm gonna continue reading my book.
100 pages in ONE DAY!
I think I will finish the book in less then a week. YAY!
EGO WOMAN. Perfect name! :D
I actually don' t hate everything...

I don't hate much.
Just screaming Indians on a bus when you are trying to sleep.
And a american guy.
But the cat does HATE everything.
And he (or she) is so cute.
So I just HAD to upload the picture.
And it makes me laugh! :D :D :D
Oh my Oh my...

Sitting here, listening to old Lenny Kravitz songs.
Yum Yum. I just love him. Still.
So many years ago I started to like his music.
The same songs are still with me. =)
Why can't this MAN be married to ME??
More yum.
I mean... Look! Look at him god damn it.
Who wouldn't?
My song....Or Your song!
As many Swedes know, this song is the theme song for the travel agents FRITIDSRESOR.
And their commercials.
So, every time you see a commercial on TV for trips to Thailand etc,
you dream away to a nice paradise.
Well, you know what??
I am in that paradise, and I have the song on my phone.
So every time I listen to that song, it reminds me of the commercial....
And that my life is great over here no matter what's happening.
Cuz, if I would be home I would just miss it here.
So, I'm gonna stop whining now........
The song is GREAT!
Becoming an adult???
Yepp, you heard me. I said it.
I want children. Or 1 to start with at least.
What does this mean? That I am ready to become an adult, 4 real???
Or am I just missing something?
Well...I guess...that...
I am just really CP!??

Picture taken by Sebastian in Thailand. Way to go!
I guess we ALL ARE CP!
Ching Chong Power
Yes, emotionell, that's us... But I love when we can get emotionell together.
You mean so much for me.
She wrote like this:
I'd like to start by saying thank you!You don't know how happy I will be if you come down here.
Thank you 4 beeing you! And for all nice things you've written about me.
I started to cry when i read it!
(I really did, and I know what you will say, don't be so emotional Annica haha)
I miss you so much.
For me it's important to keep contact and track of you, you are the one closest to me.
I got skype now, so lets try it out!
Love you Lee, my little wannabe ching chong friend!
And if you come down with Marcello too, it would be soooo nice.

On the picture we got Annica and Marcello (party in my appartment)
Sweet Sweet Salted Licorice
WHY OOOOOH WHYYYYY did I forgot to buy some salted licorice with me on my trip??
I've missed it since I arrived in Bangkok.
Damn it, Damn it.
Well, I hope someone send me a bag of my favourites.

It's the beeeeeeeeeeest!!!
Then next to that.... I love... this,...
Translation: Junglescream, see they are salted monkeys!

See, I dream about this niiiiiice candy almost every night.
A bag of LÖSGODIS should be the best to get right now, no matter what!!!
It's about time
And IF I do, I wear a cheap plastic one that is cool.
That has a calculator or that speaks, really old school.
I looove old school stuff. (Well, I am from the 80's)
Anyway... A watch.
The only cool watch I ever consider to wear is this one.
I totally love it. But it's for men, but who cares.
I love BIG THINGS ;-)
A test-screen from swedish television by DOLCE & GABANA

27 days left for "GOODBYE SWEDEN"
and 7 days left until I move to Jonas place.
Fluff Fluff!!!!