For 3 days it's been bad weather.
I don't have the time to get a tan before I go back home.
Today's problem of a traveler.
I've been in a really fucking weird mood for the last 2 days too.
Very negative and angry.
Like... very angry... at everything and everyone!
I've been analyzing myself and I couldn't come up with a reason.
Maybe it's all these hormones leaving my body?
I don't know, but one thing I know is that I'm really bored.
I'm sooooo ready to go back home.
There is NOTHING for me to do here in Cancun.
Maybe it would be different if I were in the Hotel zone, but I'm not.
I'm down town. Don't even ask me where.
I did have a great time with meeting people, but that kind of ended 3 days ago.
Since then it's been raining and boring.
I'm going crazy.
Let me come home to chill the F out with my lovely roomie Jonas.
I always miss him when I'm gone.
Yes, he's mah home boy!
Peace. Love.
Over and out.
Postat av: Anonym
Det är bara nyttigt att vara arg ibland. Skönt att du vill hem : ) kanske är det undermedvetna känslor som du har nu, för du kanske saknar någon speciell som du tycker väldigt mycket om? Ja, vad vet jag? : ) Puss & Kräm
Postat av: Mamma Mu
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