Should be studying

Okey... I can't make up my mind.
English or Swedish?
Swedish is so much easier, but it's a language I will never forget. 
So... English, improvement ... but... I'll guess it depends how lazy I am with my writing.
I'm so tired every day and I barely don't have time to do anything.
I was suppose to study, but here I am.. WHOOMP WHOOOMP... 
Can barely keep my eyes open and it's just 22.00 
Steve is gone for a Visa run over night so I'm alone tonight.
It's nice actually to have a little time for myself. 
I haven't had that in a long time. Not even at home.
Trying to transfer some audio I recorded in school. 
But it's not working really.
I had to download a new program and then my memory was full and now I can't transfer it to the computer.
Well, I guess that's the karma from not being allowed to record in the first place.
Whomp whomp...Again.
So. Now I deleted all info I had. 
And now it's raining too. I need to go to bed before I crash. Haha.
To be continued.


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