
I wish I could write everything that I had on my mind right now, but I can't.
I am not allowed to talk or write
about my job.
So I won't write any details about it.
At the moment I lay on her sofa and she is in her room.
I am actually not allowed to have cellphone on but since we both went to bed I decided to get SOME of my thoughts out before my head crashes....

I know that I am strong mentally, but this is almost that I can't take it.
Of course I know it Will get better but it's my first day and I'm gonna work 24 hours straight! That's a first....
And not the last I guess!

I want to write so much about my day.... And it kills me that I can't!
It's just my feelings that are fucked up at the moment.
I've been in chock many times today.
All sorts of feelings!

This is when I often have Niklas to talk to.
And I don't, so that also kills me!
He is always there when I need it the most.
But back to reality again, being alone. Someone just sent me a bomb with emotions, so I lay here and I cry!

But hey, I'm an assistent for someone who have it worse than me.
I am so lucky that I am healthy and in good condition. My life is suddenly fucking perfect!

Time to rest my hand!
I am exausted! Goodnight!


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