The big process

When understanding, knowing and acting come together.
When you know what is right and wrong.
When you understand the consequences of it.
Choosing the right way, with the right people.
But still exploring "bad things" trying to find the balance.
But I am under control. More then under control.

Moving on from one step to another. Getting to know myself.
The Lee who have been splattered in pieces once, and building her up piece by piece again.
And it will take time. But slowly slowly I'm moving forward with myself.
Life is a big process, the whole time. And I am just getting closer to myself.
Mostly for the understanding.

And I'm not just getting to know myself.
Others as well. Analyzing behaviour and just look at the crazy world we live in.
I think the whole world is going nuts.
Something went really wrong somewhere.
But I finally understand how fucked up this world can be.

The only thing you have to do is to see it positive.
If you go into the negative path, you will be the same fucked up person.
Observe: YOU!

I choose to live in peace. But I am far away from peace still.
I still work hard to prioritize myself instead of being there for everyone else.
And when I do, I notice that I suddenly have more people around me that cares!

I have love, I give love, I love myself and I love others.
And I don't judge anyone the same way as I did before.
I accept how people are today and how they choose to live and love their own life.
I can't do nothing. It's just THEY who can do something!

But yes, of course I get sad, disapointed, heartbroken and mad sometimes.
This can be a normal reaction.
Depends who it is or how the situation are of course.

I care alot. And I love alot.
I can have so many feelings inside of me.
And I feel other ones feelings very easy as well.
But I learned to live with the situations.
Accept the situation even how bad they are.
I still can't do anything about it.

I can forgive easy. But I will never forget.
I am sensitive and fragile when you get close to me.

What ever you do, do not feel sorry for me.
I am stronger then that.
I can handle myself and to be sorry for me is not something I like.
The only thing I want YOU to do, is to be honest and to appriciate me as I am.
No matter what and how.

Well.... Life is a rollercoaster and I'm halfway up at the moment! :)

demotivational poster LIFE-ROLLER COASTER


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