Do you miss her smell?

And so it is, just like you said it would be.

Life goes easy on me. Most of the time.

And so it is. The shorter story, no love no glory.


In the early morning she rides her bike home through town.

She is dead tired but yet so awake.

She looks up into the sky. The sun is going up.

She drives by the annoying seagulls on the way.

On the way she sees some early morning joggers in the park.

She smiles. Otherwise the streets are empty.

People are sleeping.

The cold morning wind went through her hair as she rides a bit faster.

She feels the power of freedom when she speeds up her bike and listen to the music.

She visualise that she is somewhere else.

She visualise her self on the motorbike in a land far far away.


She wishes that he was here.

She wants to enjoy days like this with him because she knows that he would

love it and see the satisfaction in someone else is bigger then have the satisfaction yourself.


No matter how hard she tries, he will always be there inside her head.

And there is no one that can replace him.

She tries hard, but she fails.


There is just one little piece of him that is left there.

She wonder why. You tell me?

There is no answer of this.

But what they shared and went trough she can't erase or replace.

She still has a arrow in the back, hurting and bleeding.


She tried to take it out but somehow it's still stuck.

And yet not ready to be pulled out.

She says goodnight (or morning)

to her friends and then she rides away, alone – with him inside the head.

She can hide him for a long time but in the end she looks him up and he is still there.

He is like a screw that you can screw on and never goes away, it's that annyoing!


Now I have to ask YOU, do you miss her smell??



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