Change MY apartment
I've paid 2 websites to have my apartment out for "CHANGE".
I feel kind of stuck here in Annicas apartment and all I can think of is moving actually.
And the feeling I've got from Annica is the same.
Everything I do to make her happy, I fail with - big time!
I break things, destroy things and yes...
I am just Lee Lee as she always is = CLUMBSY!
I don't know how I do it, as soon as I touch it, it's broken!
As much as I like her apartment and to live here on Möllan and with her.
I want my own stuff. I want my own freedom and to be alone with my own things.
I want to decorate my own apartment and I am tired of living inside of a "shoe box".
But it's so god damn hard to let this apartment go.
I just want to change it, how hard can it be?
I've been sitting on the websites for hours and nothing is happening.
I even paid for it god damn it.
We'll see how it goes.
I will go on a birthday dinner at my cousin Fanny today.
See ya'll....
I feel kind of stuck here in Annicas apartment and all I can think of is moving actually.
And the feeling I've got from Annica is the same.
Everything I do to make her happy, I fail with - big time!
I break things, destroy things and yes...
I am just Lee Lee as she always is = CLUMBSY!
I don't know how I do it, as soon as I touch it, it's broken!
As much as I like her apartment and to live here on Möllan and with her.
I want my own stuff. I want my own freedom and to be alone with my own things.
I want to decorate my own apartment and I am tired of living inside of a "shoe box".
But it's so god damn hard to let this apartment go.
I just want to change it, how hard can it be?
I've been sitting on the websites for hours and nothing is happening.
I even paid for it god damn it.
We'll see how it goes.
I will go on a birthday dinner at my cousin Fanny today.
See ya'll....