Opertunity of a lifetime! (?)

After couple of days, I am really really running short with my money.

I am broker then brokest and I have no idea what to do.

I heard that they are not hirering westerners in Indonesia if you don't have a work permit,

and it's very hard to get. Laws here as very shitty.

But I got myself a very good connection!


Anyway, 2 days ago we decided to go to ”Joe's Place”

and just listen to live music and relax from our big hangover.

(Party big time the day before.)

I had a good vibe in my body and I told myself: I want to work here!

Or actually, I want to work with this guy. He is cool.

I pointed my finger at the guy who played the bongo drum and told Annica

that I needed to talk to this guy. Joe.

I met him once when I was there in January too.

(Best text before enter the bar, love it!

And now they have another slogan: KILL YOUR EGO!)


We talked and I got offered a better deal then I thought.

His buissness plan is big.

I'm not going to reveal too much but it looks good and I have a good feeling.

And I trust my feelings.

The new place is called Carpe Diem and he took me over there with his bike

and showed me around. It was absolutely fantastic and beautiful.

My offer is to become a MARKETING MANAGER.

It's a real job, real good salery and they give me a place to stay.

They give me a work permit and they hire westerners.

Training for a month and then we talk about good money.

But it's going to be hard, hard, hard but I NEED and WANT this.

They also want Bartender and other manager positions.

If I do take it, the contract is min. 2 years.


Soooo....That's my only problem.  TWO YEARS!

Do I want to stay here for 2 years?

To stay in KUTA takes alot of energy and it can make you really tired.

But I think you can get use to it and control it after a while.

I do want to stay....BUT ... I also want to get home for a while.

I miss my friends and family alot.

And I have a urge to see them since I haven't seen them for 8 months soon.

But, this may be a life time opertunity, so I have no idea what to do?

It's just alot of money in the way. Like always.

So, maybe I should stay after all?

I don't want to turn down Joe either...



Where is my guide now when I need him?


HELP ME, I'm a bit scared!


Thank you sun, for bleaching my brown hair in the sun to dark-blond-redish!

Haha, but I actually like the colour. What do you guys think?

This is how goofy I look at the moment with my nerd glasses,

eating a ice-cream in the rain!



Postat av: Bitte

Oh, my God...what should you do now!!!???

2010-04-03 @ 20:48:58
URL: http://bitte.webblogg.se/
Postat av: YogiSinzapatos

I'm here Lee.

Hmmm. Marketing for a bar! Opportunity of a lifetime?

I know of a REAL opportunity of a lifetime for you. And so do you, deep inside. I know of another job too so you can afford to take that opportunity.

2010-04-04 @ 05:03:51
URL: http://www.a-plan-for-peace.com
Postat av: Sophie

Men försök förhandla om att få tjänsten förnyad var 6e månad så har du ju chans att sluta om du skulle tröttna eller få hemlängtan eller vill göra nåt helt annat. :) Vill de verkligen ha dig så kanske de går med på det. De borde ju förstå när du är så långt hemifrån.

2010-04-04 @ 10:16:26
Postat av: Kari

Hei! Min sønn, Jonas, er i dag en av to managere på Joe's Place. Jeg ville snakket med dem før du bestemmer deg, de kjenner Joe veldig godt etter hvert og vet vel om både hans gode og mindre gode sider:-) STORE penger? tja, spør dem hva de faktisk tjener. En annen ting: Jonas og Espen, som er norske, planlegger å åpne sin egen bar om noen mnd. Kanskje du kan få jobb der?? Det er kanskje enklere å jobbe for skandinaver? Hilsen Kari

2010-04-09 @ 13:34:05
Postat av: Soalegalsaf

シャネル 財布

2012-07-03 @ 15:23:50
URL: http://www.bagmise.com/specials.html
Postat av: Offelpcrerrag

Just goes to show you!


2012-09-15 @ 20:44:06
URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_U27rYZU_M

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