Smart ass!

Okey.... where to start?

Almost 24 hours later after I've done my tattoo I realized that it's not proper english.
But what can I do about it?
Laugh??... Yepp, that's exactly what I did.
Welcome to Thailand everyone!!!
I blame it on the alcohol, that I didn't pay so much attension.
I was still drunk damn it.

I wrote: What doesn't kill you MAKE you stronger.
Well, What to do, what to do like Frida always says??

I'm back in Langkawi today after sailing all night.
Me and Aldam took the shift between 01:00 - 06:00 so I just woke up (kind of)
There were no room for us on the Royal marina so we had to take the other marina.
We are going to have a coctail party on board tomorrow with the new agents.
I'm gonna serve my nice sangria. (And of course beer & wine)
Hope it's gonna be fun. :)

More news, Ryan the fucking A-hole continues e-mailing our office
and tries to get captain in a really shitty situation. What kind of sucks.
The guy is a pshyco!!!

Otherwise you haven't been missing much.
I've been feeling a bit weird the last couple of days, and I have my reasons.
I am totally ok with everything again though, just need to focus on other things instead.
How shitty life is, I always try to put a smile on my face.
Sometimes it's hard and sometimes it takes me couple of tears or
screams and then I'm back on my feets again.
Sometimes I just feel stupid. Well, what to do?
I will always remember what Annica told me.
Go out on deck when nobody can see you. Look at the sea or sunset or what ever.
Sit there alone and feel how free you are. Cry if you want to.
Enjoy and let the thoughts go. It's hard but it's working!

Gonna see the boys tonight. Happy :)
Smell you later, hasta luego.


Postat av: Bitte

Det är ju för sorgligt med den där puckade Ryan!

Han har tydligen gett sig fan på att förstöra för er. En psykopat skulle aldrig erkänna att han/hon har gjort fel ryser. Lyssna på Annica, hon verkar vara en riktigt klok ung dam.

2009-11-10 @ 16:19:46
Postat av: Bitte

Förresten...du minns Peter, grannen som du sedan gick i samma klass med på Johannesskolan när du var liten. Han började på ditt jobb på Kastrup sedan. Jag skulle bara berätta att jag mötte hans pappa förra veckan, han ser PRECIS likadan ut. Mötte honom i hissen på Ortopeden, han jobbar tydligen på UMAS som någon verkstadsnisse. Världen är liten!

2009-11-10 @ 16:23:29

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