I press triggers, I don´t press people buttons.
Nice day today.
Came down to work (just down the stairs) at 10 am.
The sun is shining and it´s hot.
And I´m just gonna work until 2 pm. Sweet.
But NOOOOOO, I missunderstood Peter and gonna work until 8 pm tonight.
FUCK! So I´m off 1 hour between 2 and 3 pm, and going back later.... HAHA.
Just finished my sushi, gonna have the Yakiniku wook tonight haha =)
My fingers smell fishy. haha. eewwww...
Close to home, that´s good at least.
So I´m sitting here on the balcony with my computer (my best friend)
Relaxing in the sun and listening to Peter, Bjorn and John with Young folks.
That reminds me of the day we sailed with Lee on his boat.
That was a good day.
I just want to move now. I don´t want to live here, I want to move to MÖLLAN - NOW!!!
I feel home there, but I think it´s because I have my roots there. I used to grow up there.
Have my own stuff, and feel like home.
I´m just waiting for the day I can move, have my appartment fixed to the new girl.
The contract to be signed, and have to talk to the guy (Fredrik) I´m gonna live with.
Cool guy.
I also have to go to my kiropractor, my back is killing me.
Or maybe try to go to the gym more often again, like I did before.
But it´s hard for me working out without music.
I´m just waiting for the fucking phone to be fixed, takes time though.
I was supposed to go there today, but NOOO I have to work. Shitassmotherfucker.
And I missed a meeting with my trainer yesterday.
Totally forgot that when I sat in Folketspark with 2 beers.
So, I don´t think he´s so happy now :(
WHYYYY Am I so in love with Jacknife Lee?
I fucking love the song "making me money".
Well, almost time to go back working... Gaaaah.
Look what I bought from MY for 100 Kronor.
What a beatyful tree, so perfect for my earrings, necklesses etc.
I just wonder how all my 50 pairs of earrings is gonna fit on that.... HAHA.
Peace out mother fuckers
Uj Uj Uj! Ett sånt DÄR träd vill jag ha!! Kan du höra med My var hon har köpt det någonstans? Läckert! Kanske man får ett sådant träd i Mors Dags-present? hehehe
det är i från HM har jag för mig,hon jobbar ju där så hade nog fått det från jobb har jag för mig, dekorations grej, så går inte att köpa sörru. Och trädet e MITT, du får iiiiiiiinte det MOuhbahahahhahahahahhahaha
BAJS!!! Vad är det gjort i för material? Kan du ta en närbild på det? Är det små krokar att hänga örhängena på? (man ser inte) Jag kanske kan försöka kopiera det? Hm... får fundilera lite! Kram!