
Me in this moment.
Trying to multitask.
I guess it's a bad idea. 
Study is more important.
I'm eating ice-cream.
I needed a sugar rush. But... My ice-cream is old.
It's been in the freezer for a month.
And my freezer sucks. 
The ice-cream has melted and been freezed 2 times after I bought it.
So... with other words...
it feels like I'm eating ice with chocolate flavour.
Not chocolate ice-cream.
Not cool.
I'm reading for my final exam about Yama and Niyama.
My legs are sore. Or ... my knees. 
Sitting with crossed legs for almost 3 months now is what I've been doing.
And I've been Nauli Kriya again. 
Not so much different then before.
I noticed that I move my jaw when I do the twist with my stomach.
I wonder if it helps hahaha....
This time Ave joined me. 


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