Insane in the brain
WHEN do you know that you are crazy?
Do you ever KNOW that you are insane, if you are?
And HOW do you know it?
Sometimes I think I'm crazy.
But what IS crazy? And what is normal?
Is anyone normal?
I'm loosing my mind sometimes. Doesn't everyone sometimes?
When the mind play tricks on you but you don't know it.
But when you realize it, it's too late.
The brain is more powerful then you ever could imagine.
You can do anything when you understand it.
But it's a powerful tool that can take years of practise.
And sometimes a lifetime isn't enough.
The more you know, the more you realize that you DON'T KNOW!
How much information can you have in your brain?
Sometimes I wonder if everything was a dream.
Is he real or is he not? Is he alive? Where is he?
What is he doing and is he okey?
There is NO traces from this person.
Does he even exist? What is real and what is not?
Maybe I am living in a dream now instead of before?
AM I INSANE after all?
Or maybe he just made me insane in the fucking brain?
It's time for the bed. I have 5 hours of sleep before I will go up and work.
YAY! But it have been a great day and night anyway.
Sleep tight everyone.
Postat av: Mia
Lee! Jag har samma problem, men jag hörde detta:
Normal people think they are crazy, crazy people think they are normal.