Life on the deep side....
Last night I was suppose to set my alarm to 06.00 am.
To do laundry at 07.00....
But the feeling of being sick and having a migrain (first time in many many months)
made me NOT to set any alarm at all this morning.
The laundry can wait!
This was the first morning in a really long time I didn't wake up to a alarm at all.
And you know what? I feel absolutely perfect!
I woke up without stress and I told myself that these things can wait.
I'm no longer in any hurry... Good huh?
Yesterdays thoughts and conversation came back to me
and the first thing I thought about in the morning was
that I am pretty tired of being around superficial people.
I am glad that I can talk normal with some people, people that can understand me too.
And what I want and what I need is something deeper.
That is what life is all about, right?
I was holding that thought when I turned on the computer.
And the weirdest thing showed up on facebook.
A comment on someones status, and if I translate it it will say:
"Life is on the depth, not on the surface".
But the Swedish is sometimes hard to translate when it comes to the words.
It is suppose to be something like this : "Life is deep, not superficial".
It's weird that it's the first thing I see, while having all the same thoughts in my head.
A big smile is on my face and I can't do anything else then agree!
I love strong people that can stand out, be themselves without taking anything.
People that can support themselves, and try to support others in the same time.
(Not every day though, we all know that we need space too)
But people that can open up to others, be honest, and say what's on their mind.
I also like people who doesn't try to live in the past.
Easier said then done. I'm trying my best.
I am absolutely not the best.
But I know for sure that MEN have more problem with this then women.
I would like to say this to many men: "GET OVER IT"
Don't regret, don't forget but move on.
Once you've closed that door, another door will be open for you.
Maybe you just need to open your eyes and see what's in front of you.....?
Be satisfied with those little things that you have.
Maybe you realize that maybe THAT is the best for you,
instead of searching and waiting for something else?
Everything happens for a reason. If a person leaves you, it was ment to be.
You can not change that.
I watched a movie the other day, he said:
- If you love someone, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's love.
One thing is for sure, I've surrenderd!
But from now on, no superficial.... I like it deep and nothing else.
Have a good day!
To do laundry at 07.00....
But the feeling of being sick and having a migrain (first time in many many months)
made me NOT to set any alarm at all this morning.
The laundry can wait!
This was the first morning in a really long time I didn't wake up to a alarm at all.
And you know what? I feel absolutely perfect!
I woke up without stress and I told myself that these things can wait.
I'm no longer in any hurry... Good huh?
Yesterdays thoughts and conversation came back to me
and the first thing I thought about in the morning was
that I am pretty tired of being around superficial people.
I am glad that I can talk normal with some people, people that can understand me too.
And what I want and what I need is something deeper.
That is what life is all about, right?
I was holding that thought when I turned on the computer.
And the weirdest thing showed up on facebook.
A comment on someones status, and if I translate it it will say:
"Life is on the depth, not on the surface".
But the Swedish is sometimes hard to translate when it comes to the words.
It is suppose to be something like this : "Life is deep, not superficial".
It's weird that it's the first thing I see, while having all the same thoughts in my head.
A big smile is on my face and I can't do anything else then agree!
I love strong people that can stand out, be themselves without taking anything.
People that can support themselves, and try to support others in the same time.
(Not every day though, we all know that we need space too)
But people that can open up to others, be honest, and say what's on their mind.
I also like people who doesn't try to live in the past.
Easier said then done. I'm trying my best.
I am absolutely not the best.
But I know for sure that MEN have more problem with this then women.
I would like to say this to many men: "GET OVER IT"
Don't regret, don't forget but move on.
Once you've closed that door, another door will be open for you.
Maybe you just need to open your eyes and see what's in front of you.....?
Be satisfied with those little things that you have.
Maybe you realize that maybe THAT is the best for you,
instead of searching and waiting for something else?
Everything happens for a reason. If a person leaves you, it was ment to be.
You can not change that.
I watched a movie the other day, he said:
- If you love someone, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's love.
One thing is for sure, I've surrenderd!
But from now on, no superficial.... I like it deep and nothing else.
Have a good day!
Postat av: Bitte
Kusligt att behöva säga det, men vi går i exakt samma tankar, tro det eller ej,Lee! Jag har ej sett på tv på hela DEN filmen såg jag och minns de där orden! Den visade exakt så som människor gör fel när det gäller kärleken, det spelar ingen roll om du är man eller kvinna, alla gör vi det någon gång. Vi gör fel, men menar så väl men i slutändan blir allt fel ändå p.g.a missförstånd och just för att vi är KVINNA och MAN.
Yin and Yang. Black & White. Puss på nosa!
Postat av: jane
åhh vilken film är det ifrån?? jag känner ju igen det som tusan men kan inte placera det!!!!
Postat av: Lee