Lover, friend or soulmate?
Sometimes I understand another person but in the same time I can't understand them.
It's weird when it happens. And sometimes I listen, but I can not hear.
This is when I'm not in balance. I'm in my ego mind.
(Talking to myself – Lalalalalalalala)
Talking about being on different levels. The connection.
But the question is just... when do you know that you are on the same level?
I think that you just know. Or you just feel as I prefer to say.
The feeling of the energy tells me more and not knowing with the mind.
And the womans intution is almost always right! :)
The mind play tricks all the time.
Sometimes you know something without knowing it.
And you also create your own reality without seeing some things.
But when you have the answers in front of your face and can see things
from someone else eyes or perspective things become more clear,
and then you have the understanding in another way.
What I am talking about is something that you can not talk to any “normal” person about.
Because if you do, they maybe will not understand you and then theywill think that you are weird, pretty lost or been smoking too much weed or something.
But what if it's them? Who are lost?
That's why I am such a smart ass and write it instead so the whole world can read it haha.
Well, I don't care!
My closest friends understand me because they are pretty much the same as I am.
I choose my friends very very wisely today. With love.
If there is no connection, there is no need for me to build up a relation.
Then I have “new friends” that not really know me that well (yet).
The time will tell if these new friends are the
one who understands me or the one who think I am weird.
But aren't we all weird in one way or another?
If you only knew what was going on inside of my brain, you would be amazed!
I had an interesting conversation today and it was practically what I suspected it to be like.
But it all went well anyway.
Sometimes you meet people in your life that can turn it upside down.
It feels like you have no where to go or don't
know what to do and then you just want to give up.
But, NEVER give up! NEVER!
In the bad times I've had lately, the good things showed up in front of my face.
Just like that. The only thing you have to do is SEE them!
Don't miss them.I also have to say (again) that the connection with some
people that I've met in my life, I think it was ment to be.
Some of those people I've met before. In another life time.
How do you explain that? How do you describe that feeling?
When you can't explain and you don't know how?
You just know.
But is it the right time? Who knows?
The only thing is that time will tell....
I have to open up to the world now and write this....
But I fell in love with a guy before I even met him.
And when I met him the first time, it felt like I've knowned him for a decade.
And in another life. Like my missing puzzle piece.
I don't know what he did to me, but he sure did something.
This have never ever happened to me before and I can not explain it.
I also have no idea what I am going to do about it....Since he made me totally lost!
I am never nervous, but as soon as he is around I'm literally shaking!
I feel like a little kid and I've never been so shy in my entire life.
So this is when I want feedback from someone and I question all this....
Can it seriously be like this? And how? Why?
I am just a normal human being... lost in translation. So, tell me...
Am I just making up stuff in my mind again or is it for real?
Lee, läs min blogg..jag tror du och jag borde ta en lång promenad en dag och prata lite;) jag tror att om vi släpper in varandra så kan det nog bli nått bra...
Vad gör du denna fredag?:)