A bright thought.


People say that they can't change who they are.

I say, YES you can!

I just believe that they don't want to change, even if they say so.

They are secure and afraid of taking a big step in their life.

Or they don't know how to start, and just need a push.


- I am who I am, I can't change. Take it or leave it.

Heard this before? I know I have, and I've even said it myself.

I say, take a chance and let everything go.

I know it takes alot of currige, will and power to change.

Today I am not afraid. I am not afraid of anything!

There are things that I don't like or don't feel safe with, but I am not afraid of it.


I know many people that has changed during friendships or relationships.

And by that I don't mean as the person who they are,

I am talking about their energy, their thinking and acting.

And for you people who still doesn't understand really,

should read a bit more about the different chakras in the body, and the energies.

HERE «------- is a good LINK! :)


For exemple: I have friends that have been very open, careing, loving and thoughtful.

Suddenly something goes wrong and they change their thinking

to something negative, because they can't let go and move on.

So, from giving and taking energy from the Anahata (heart) chakra,

to changing to Svadhisthana chakra. (located near the gender)

I don't say that Svadhisthana chakra is bad, because no chakra is.


What these friends doesn't know is that it effect other people.
And it can be good or bad.
I am one of those people who get effected very easy by others.
In Swedish we have the expression " Man blir som man umgås "
Which means in direct translation " You get as you socialize ".
Think about that.

I said to friends that they should ”Stop thinking with your penis”.

And I actually believe that this expression is TRUE.

I've been there myself (not penis though haha) but mostly when

I don't feel good with myself and when I need a type of confirmation from someone.

Sex is a easy way out. And also food and other good things.

But I mostly think with my heart and not my brain.

Which isn't the best either.


When reading and been lectured about the bodies different chakras,

I categorised myself and what I wanted to change, what I needed etc.

And I've been using Svadhisthana way too much lately.

But I also realized one thing and another....


More about this later... Time for Yoga! :)


Postat av: YogiSinzapatos

You are a very good student Lee :-)

2010-05-05 @ 00:39:47
URL: http://www.buzz-for-bliss.com
Postat av: Lee

Thank you very much Pete

2010-05-05 @ 18:19:17
URL: http://gemigenalvedon.blogg.se/

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