Your gain of money! URGENT!

Lately I started to connect with myself again.
I trust myself again and my feelings.
In a long time, I ignored myself and made myself smaller then I am.
I know I take alot of space and it's not everyone that can handle that.
But it's time for a change, again!
I'm back on my feets, and this time - It's true!
I feel better and better every day.
I have dreams and déjavús that is getting real.
How is this possible? I can't explain it.
I know I've been in different places before, that I never visited in my life.
In my dreams. And I remember it. How is this possible?
How is it possible for me to know that things are going to happen to other people?
I told Annica about this, and the more I talk about it, the more guiding I get.
I think I need to be open for this and talk about it.
If I ignore it, again... It will go against me.
I know that I need to be around people that beleive the same things as I do.
That don't think I'm a nutcase!

And since I'm writing about it here, maybe you think I'm a nutcase.
But, I don't really care about that. Not everyone can love me.
Either you love me or hate me, that's simple.
I'm simple. And simple is BIG!

Well, anyway. Here is one exemple:

I received a e-mail from my G-mom today.
She explained to me that the money from the insurance company is now on it's way.
Total 9000 SEK.
I'm gonna pick up my passport tomorrow and hope
for the best that my VISA card comes as well.

After I finish reading her e-mail, I saw another e-mail in my inbox.
From someone that calls herself a medium, I don't write any names.
I signed up online just for fun. The writing is good.
I haven't paid anything of course, but I receive very long e-mails once a while.
The messege was "Your gain of money! URGENT!"

I was curious of course so I opened the letter and I was in shock.
It started something like this:

"Dear Lee,

Only two weeks ago, I personally adressed you a confidential letter in which

I informed you that your problems of money may come to an end soon because

I saw you receiving an important sum of money!

Have you received this confidential letter which was very important to you Lee ?

If I allow myself to ask you that,

it's because I've just opened today's mail box and I

haven't found the mail from you I was awaiting...

I'm very annoyed, Lee, because the precise day I see you

receiving this sum is near and I see you're not in good condition to receive it!"

It was the letter I just read!!!!!
Not in good condition? YES, that's also true.
I am still sick! She also told me that the amount is 90.000, she saw alot of zeros.
It's very close though, 9000 SEK, only one zero MINUS!
Is this just a coinsidence?

You tell me!?

And this is not the first time this stuff happens.
The day before I got robbed here in KL couple of weeks ago,
I visited a Chinese old man in a old store.
The man guided me and explained to me about Feng Shui and The Chinese Calender.
From nowhere, the man started to talk about other stuff....
Why I was alone, and I shouln't. I should be more careful
and not trust people here etc. It was a bit creepy.
People I met in Asia has always been positive with me, but this man....
I can't explain it, I just felt bad walking out from the store. (even if he was polite and nice to me)
And the next day I got robbed in the Petrona Towers.

Explain that!!!!!!!


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