Ok, I have to take this short, we have to leave any second.
We're sitting at Starbucks right now, at the jetty and are suppose to leave Langkawi.
Yesterday we took the taxi in to the jetty, waaay to late and missede the last ferry.
Something told us to stay, and both of us are glad we did! It was our destiny! =)
So, we decided to go down to the Yachtclub and watch the sunset.
And there it was.... My old job. My little boat - Raja Laut.
For couple of seconds it felt weird but then we decided to walked down
and say Hi and to show Annica around, where I spendt so much time during my trip.
The new crew welcomed us good and were feeding us with beer! Nice.
I told Stephan that we missed the last ferry and 2 seconds later, our backpacks was in the cabins.
Free stay for the night, and dinner and drinks.
Couldn't get any better, just what we needed at that moment.
I felt good. I felt really good actually.
Talking to Stephan about everything that happened lately.
It felt like something inside of me released. Some of the negativity I had inside for a while disapaired.
Two bottles of wine later, and the time was way past bed time -
I could not talk swedish or english anymore.
It was totally SWENGLISH.
The music was way to loud and everyone was just talking shit.
Bla bla this and Bla bla that. We had a funny night!
The marina was quiet and peaceful.
Raja Lauts reputation is to be a party boat.
We had to keep the reputation alive.
And then I passed out in one of the cabins.
Woke up this morning and had no idea where I was.
The first thing we did was taking our backpacks and fucked off right away.
And now we are off to Cameron Highland. A beautyful place.
Check it out online.
hasta la vista, baby
Annica and some coffee...
meow meow dance.... dance....