I Love you?

The three big words.


What does it mean?

What is Love?

And how do you mean it?

When can you say it to somone?

How do you say it?

And when are you ALOWED to say it?


I know people who says it daily or very often at least.

I think it has a bigger meaning for me.

So when I say it, I really mean it to someone.

I know people who says it, just because the other person says it.

I don't believe in that.

From me, is from my heart.

I also know that there is different kinds of love,

but when do you know that you love someone?

And in what way?

And I know that there is many cells in every

single human body that can mix up feelings.

Endorphines for an exemple.

Sex is a good explaination for that actually.


I guess that Love is when you can laugh, cry,

fight, kiss and make love, respect and accept

the other person as he or she is. No one is perfect.


I don't know if other people feel the same kind of love that I do.

Everyone is different.

My love is strong and full of happiness :)

And I know who I love and those people

have a powerful and good place in my heart.


Over and out!


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