From Hell to Heaven - Tana Rata
This morning when we left Mc Donalds,
we walked down to the bus station.
No No No, the first bus is not 07:40, it's 11:30!
What? You got to be kidding me?
If you want earlier buses, you have to go to the other bus station.
We sat down for a moment and I asked Annica
if she could touch / play with my hair for a second.
3 second later I was a sleep.
We finally got on the right bus, after million of hours.
I couldn't keep my eyes open.
We arrived, and from a ghetto town to a beautiful village.
We were 1524 meters above sea level, high up in a mountain.
It was cold. Really cold, but nice fresh air.
It didn't feel like Malaysia. It felt like home.
From sweating or ass off to absolutely freezing.
And I am sick too by the way so it didn't do any better.
On the way we saw tea plantations, strawberry farms,
butterfly farms, waterfalls, and of course.... alot of mountains!
We went from hell to heaven :)
The houses around us look like old swedish / german / Swiss houses.
But they are actually old english houses, since Cameron Highland is an old English Colony.
And since we saw alot of mountains, it looked like Switzerland alot.
(without snow) Here is no jungle, it's just forrest.
You see same flowers, trees etc as you do back home.
We arrived to FATHERS GUESTHOUSE wich is up a hill.
Looks like a nice old hotel / mansion.
Big Big garden and grass around you, that they take care of very very well.
They serve alot of tea here, and fresh home made scones.
Since my appetite has been really weird lately
I just decided to go to bed for couple of hours,
since we didn't sleep during the whole night and so I could feel better later on.
So, I wake up and I'm absolutely starving.
Take my medicine (malaria pills, before going to the jungle)
And me and Annica realised the problem I had.
I was sick because of the pills I took.
I lost my appetite of them, they made me vomit 20 min later.
(second time) and it felt like I had the winter desease.
I felt dead. Or at least I just wanted to die.
So I went back to bed again and woke up couple of hours later again.
Ok, I have to try to eat something.
Mushroom soup, tea and a scone. Perfect.
And we went back to bed again to try to straighten out our day rhythm.
We have 3 blankets and a sheet on us in the bed, and we are still freezing.
I wonder how it would be when I go back home?
Will I die????
Time to say goodbye.
And since I don't have a camera anymore, I have to wait with all the uploading.
We use Annicas at the moment but she doesn't have a card reader. =(