
Sometimes life isn't was you expected it to be.

You expect so many things,

and when it doesn't turn out your way you get disapointed.

So, I'm just trying to STOP expecting things in my life.

Then I'll never get disapointed.

It's much easier to say then to do, I'll tell you that for sure!


But I'm trying my best.

I always do, and I never give up.

I'm trying to know myself to the best.

I'm not perfect, I do many mistakes in my life,

but I sure do NOT do it twice and I always try to think first.

(Trying ok, just trying haha)

I have many up's and down's too as any human being.

A social and unsocial life.

Sometimes you just want to run away and hide,

and sometimes you just want a hug and someone to take care of you.

It's crazy how it can change quick.


Life is a rollercoaster, and one more thing....

It's definitly not easy when you are traveling alone.

And you don't have anyone.

No shoulder to cry on or a friend that is there for you when you need it.

That is just life.


One thing I noticed in my life is that when I have stuff to do,

being active and being around other people etc,

I don't care about anything else around me.

I can get bored very easy, so for me this is very nice.

I like it at the camp. I'm starting to get used to it now.

Today I had my first alcoholic drink in 2 weeks.

I'm glad that Matt talked me in to this actually.

Thank you Mafro man, you're awesome! :)

Sadly I'm leaving on monday, but have been looking forward to

see my sweet sweet Annica for months now...


So finally!! It's time to be around my retarded Chip Chop Chinese.

(As I call her, but she is not chinese)

My BEBOT girl. I'm gonna be a pain in your ass hunny!!

And by the way, I did the Muay Thai today, finally.

Felt good, I'm gonna go for tomorrows class too :)

Trainers name is Lee, fucking awesome name.

So, Lee and Lee... Confusing, but funny. Always!


Time for bed. Over and out M.F!!



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