The Law of Attraction

As I've said before, I think that everything happens for a reason.
I think that you will attract people that are more like yourself.

But be careful what you wish for.
Ask for it and it will be given.

I don't know how many times I've done this in life,
but no matter what - sooner or later I get it.
And I am happy with where I am today, even if I've been lost in the forrest for a while.
But like I've said, be careful. Think first, act later.
You know yourself deep within and what's best for you!

If you are happy, you will meet happy people.
If you are depressed, you will meet depressed people.
You meet people that reflect yourself in a way.

Since I started to think differently and live with more love and no fears,
I learned to open up to others and the result is amazing!
But it also took me years of practise and understanding.
I am so thankful for all the help I've got and all the friends that supported me,
when I needed it.
And I am still so thankful for the man I won't mention by name in my blog,
that helped me change my life with supporting me with the Yoga!

Not long ago (couple of weeks) I discussed with my dear
friend (and wife) Annica about humanity and just people in general.
I mentioned what I wanted and needed in my life to feel good.
But what I need is very hard to find here and I told Annica that I started to loose hope.
Since it have been hard to come home to old and bad habits and friendships.
I had no idea how to act or what to do....

But I know myself and I will never loose any hope because I know that somewhere out there,
maybe just around the corner of my street, my hope is walking around maybe looking for me?

I've been home for 3 months now and about 2 weeks ago I almost hitted the wall again.
Until I met someone that were exactly like this person
that I've been looking for, that me and Annica talked about.
I am not talking about searching for a boyfriend or anything like that.
(If that love comes, it comes. I want it to come to me because I am too tired of looking for it)

But I talk about the type of energy that I need to be surrounded by to feel good and happy.
And I got it served on a silver spoon.
He practically walked into my life and gave me power and
energy again to kick myself in the ass again.
So since that day, I've been sober from everything that can numb my strong feelings.
I want to be present, I want to live and I want to experience life to the full.

Without saying a word to me, give me any lectures or any attention in that way I am used to,
I sat there and listened to this person, being himself and just talked.
A very STRONG, positive, beautiful and special person.

I told Annica about this person yesterday.
She looks at me and said:
-  Lee...... This is exactly what you need.
And it sounds like that he is what you've been asking
for since the last time we talked about this.

Without knowing it or realizing it, it is true!
And that is why I am writing this blogpost about it today.

And I don't even know this person. Yet.
But I am looking forward to get to know him better.
This is a person I need in my life at the moment.
And I think that I need all the positivity and energy to relax and center myself again! :)

I respect strong people alot!

Peace out!

Postat av: Bitte

Wow! Det bästa blogginlägg du någonsin har skrivit!

Så starkt och så klokt och ja...el fantastico!

Och så heter det "served on a silverplate"...not silverspoon...fniss Uttrycket silverspoon används på svenska (och kanske på engelska) när man är född med en sådan i käften :) Puss gumman! Du är BÄST!

2010-08-27 @ 16:43:57

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