All we need is LOVE!!
Love is something that never gets boring and I don't think that you ever can talk too much about.
You can never love too much.
Love is the most important thing we have!
First you have to learn how to love though.
I thought I knew for so many years what love really was.
There are also many ways how to love.
Of course I experienced love before, but not in the same way like I do today.
And do you want to know why?
Because I learned to love myself.
It may sound ridiculous but I fell in love with myself.
And since that day I let go of my ego and
looked at myself and thought that I've been a fool for so many years.
I didn't realize the difference from LOVE and the need of attention from others, satisfaction & fear.
Now I practically have a smile on my face all the time and it feels like I am in love all the time.
I am in love with everything and everyone.
Like the old saying: You can't love someone before they love themselves.
It is true. And keep that in mind!
I had this message on my board the other day from Annica.
Even if I don't do the dishes every day, she loves me.
As much as I love her. I don't think we ever had a fight, and that is friendship!
Why fight when there are so many other things to worry about?
Like I said in a earlier blog post, I think that you meet people that reflect yourself.
I keep all the loving, open-minded and people who can let go of their ego close to my heart.
You have to surrender to get something.
I also feel a lot of pain to “let go” of many of my old friends,
but when you realize that they are not your friends any longer,
there is no need to be bound anymore.
It's just time to move on and let new positive energy in to your life.
Even if you will have your memories there, you have to learn how to LIVE and LOVE TODAY!
Not tomorrow or the next day, NOW!
But it's not always easy, you have to work hard with yourself.
And of course everything has a dark side.
I am not even half way myself. Far away from perfect!
But I'm doing pretty good today.
And of course you can loose the balance and energy in your body and feel weak.
When everything is shit and everyone is assholes and idiots who does not understand you.
“Every saint has a past” is the best quote I've heard today!
I don't want to sound like I am better then anyone else or something.
I just have more understanding today and I love more.
But once you understand and realize this, you can slowly come back again.
When you are ready and if you are strong enough to let go of your past.
Also the Yoga made me realize soooo many things I never had realized before.
And I am not a bad Yogi only because I stop because Yoga has it's ups & downs.
When I arrived home, I stopped because I was not ready to do it 100 % like I did in Asia.
The culture is different, I am not alone anymore and this is my home.
My normal life and I have those “normal” stuff I have to do, my everyday routines!And let's not talk about how to behave with old friends.....
“Nervous” is a good word for my behaviour and it's not until NOW I can relax.
And since it have been harder then I thought to come back home and continue a
“NORMAL” life after what I've been experienced back there, is NOT easy.
But I am so glad that I started yesterday and finished the initiation.
The things Daniel is teaching is almost the same as I did in Thailand.
so when I've heard the same stuff I've heard before,
I just smile and I enjoy it with so much love, peace and harmony inside of me.
This is what I love. This is what makes me happy and I never never want to stop doing Yoga!
Yoga is my life.