I'm gonna do this blog post a bit shorter then I was thinking.
I don't really feel good at the moment and now I know why.

Thank's Yoga. Thank's alot for making me feel sick as hell.
I know that it will do me good later on, and like I said - it's a purification!
I just hope that my MIGRAIN that is a pain in the ass right now,
is gonna go away and I can have my energy back soon,
so I can do other stuff then just lay down. Or vomit when I don't lay down!

So, from now on - NO PILLS in any kind, and NO SUGAR and NOTHING that blocks my energy.
And ALOT OF WATER! But that's nothing new, you should always drink alot of water :)
Sorry Pete for not really understandig you before, but they explained everything today.
I understood about the meds, but when you REALLY understand, you UNDERSTAND.
HAHA, sounded complicated. But yeah, sometimes you feel like a dumbass!

The migrain has been going on the whole day, even if I went to bed after morning class.
When I did the mastric massage (found under the breastbone) I felt sick.
So sick that I wanted to vomit. And every time I did it I felt worse and worse.
This massage is for purification of the energies in the abdominal area and
the expelling of toxic energies at the massage point.
I've did this before but I never felt sick from doing Yoga before.

When I came to my room, I took a shower (even if you should wait 1-2 hours) after class.
But the shower is my "feel better" place. I feel good under water.
And then it came. My illness. So I finally threw up.
After my shower I cried and cried. I don't really know why.
Just been really emotionell.

We talked about that today as well.....
I have more YING energy then YANG.

Can someone please tell me that I am purified now?
More then that, I feel good. Everything is going well with the course.
It's just second day, so I guess that it can get worse in the beginning.

Time to sleep away the migrain... I hope...

Postat av: Bitte

Lilla gumman! Krya på dig...allt du dokumenterar från kursen slukar jag med hull och hår...det är mycket spännande. Men du har nog både jobbigt och roligt samtidigt just nu. Vill inte att du ska må dåligt! Läser du dessa kommentarer någon gång ö.h.t? Jag har aldrig sett dig svara på någon av dem :) Kraaaaaaaaaaaaaam & krya på dig!! love

2010-04-27 @ 17:52:04
Postat av: YogiSinzapatos

You're doing a great job Lee. Great attitude. Give thanks for the purification however long it lasts.

"This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

some momentary awareness comes

as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!

even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,

who violently sweep your house

empty of its furniture,

still, treat each guest honorably.

He may be cleaning you out

for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,

meet them at the door laughing,

and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,

Because each has been sent

As a guide from beyond."


(Translation by Coleman Barks)

Peace & Love :-)

2010-04-27 @ 20:33:00
Postat av: Lee

Jo mamma jag läser alla kommentarer jag får, men vissa vet jag inte vad jag ska svara på och vart ska jag skriva? I min egen blogg eller din eller på facebook? ja jag svarar här iaf :)

Och ja, jag kommer skriva varje dag om min yoga och vad den gör med mig, hur jag mår och känner mig och ja, allt annat runt omkring det, träning etc. Du borde också göra det, har mailat dig också.

And Pete. Thank you, like always.

I feel alot better today and I hope it's not coming back. I have a strong mind! =)

Peace and love 2 u both.

2010-04-28 @ 07:23:10

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