Todays pictures

Oh. I forget to tell you guys that I found a desert beach.
I found it when I was driving around with my crocodile killer bicycle the other day.
No people at all, it was only me me me. All alone.
Really nice, but later a couple came. Isn't it beautiful over here? ;)

This is my "HOME".
I really like the room, It's niiiiiiice as Borat would say ;)

And this.... This is my "OFFICE" HAHAHA.
This is how I normally spend my days, even at home.
Always something to do. Read, write, research, schedule,
paint, plan, thoughts yeah you name it...
Some people didn't think there was much in the blond little girls head.
BUT, there is more then you think. Actually to much, that's why I am nuts haha.

More Yoga writing tonight after afternoon class.
Had to rest after class this morning.
Got pain in my back and suddenly migrain, from stretching my neck.
PAINFULL and couldn't focus at all.


Postat av: Bitte

Jag tror bestämt att du har hamnat i paradiset...det ser nästan ut så :)

Jag beundrar dig som går den här yogakursen - vilken underbar människa Pete är! En helt vanlig människa (ovanlig) som erbjudit dig en total livs-förändring med hjälp av denna utbildning. Vilken chans du har fått i livet! What a gift!

2010-04-27 @ 10:25:41
Postat av: fia

Hej Lee!!! du har yrkat på kommentarer och du har ju så rätt:) varför skall jag få läsa om ditt liv utan att du ens vet vem det är;) Shit vad du växer vännen!! Du och jag har nog båda alltid varit grubblare och du växer nu inombords otroligt snabbt! din väg dit var en lång resa utomlands!Min var att flytta till öen igen o ha en Andre som är insiktsfull och som fått mig att göra en stor inre resa! häftigt att få följa all din insikt som växer! jag hänger på;) fix you är en av mina stora klumpimagenlåtar med! fast nu sitter jag i vårsolen o lyssnar på john mayer who says;) tänker på dig gumman! har inte glömt e bara fialat o kryper in i min egen bubbla ibland!! men jag läser konternueligt din blog o skall lämna avtryck ibland! puss o kram/den lille fia

2010-04-27 @ 11:01:30
Postat av: YogiSinzapatos

Be gentle with the neck exercises Lee. Do them very slowly and gently. Don't push. When you have pain, stop & rest. Drink LOTS of water. 3 or 4 litres per day. Measure it. Add a little bicarbonate of soda. Or a cinnamon stick in your drinking water bottle.

2010-04-27 @ 20:04:51
Postat av: Lee

Aaaah so that´s what they are drinking. I think u can buy it in the restaurant here, the drinking water with bicarbonate... Gonna check it out later in the afternoon. I think I will go for a massage today, I think it's gonna help with the neck. Did it on myself last night for my migrain and it helped a bit, not so easy to do massage on yourself though. And mom, I do read all your comments even if I don't answer all of them. And Fia: An e-mail is in your inbox on facebook. =)

2010-04-28 @ 07:29:03

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