Pizza Please!
Here I am. Feeling better today.
No migrain and no vomiting.
Today I feel great! Woho!
I sit on the floor in my room, killing ants with my thumb.
One after the other walks by and I just push my thumb down.
Sorry.... Sorry.... Sorry.... Aaaand Sorry....They are everywhere!
I drink some green tea.
No, not the one you buy in the store,
since the Thai people add SUGAR in everything, and by that I mean EVERYTHING!
Even if I love the green tea/ice tea you buy in the store,
it won't do me any good. Maybe better then a Coke....
Just water and green tea, cold with ice. Good!
I notice that I am still on my purification.
And by that I notice it when it comes to food.
All the sugar I've putted in my body lately.
I just want a greasy pizza. A SWEDISH GREASY PIZZA!
Oh, I miss Swedish pizza sooooo much!
Ohhh, yum yum yum.... I'm watery in my mouth :)
Every time I buy a pizza in Asia I get so disapointed.
I had couple that were ok, but not like home. Oh maaan!
See, this is what I'm talking about.
Addiction to something good. A great taste!
I am a good exemple of a person that have to much
energy in my Svadhisthana chakra!
I have to focus on my Manipura instead :)
See, I'm learning something over here!
More later... Need food.
Dreaming about a nice pizza.. Mmmm...
ooooohhh blev sugen på pizza nu!!