A plan for peace

I've had many thought running around in my brain the last couple of days.

While thinking about this, I realised that the offer I got as a Marketing Manager here in Kuta, Bali is NOT me.

Maybe if I force myself just because of the money I can make,

but I don't think I will bring me happyness in long term,

just the temporary happyness like many other things.

But I am really desperate after a job, and that's when you do crazy stuff.


I made up my mind anyway – And I am not going to take it!

And since I received a e-mail from a friend of mine with a better

offer the same day, I planned to go for this chanse instead.

It's a MONTH AGAMA YOGA COURSE on Koh Phagnan, Thailand.



I got the offer to do it months ago,

and YES it has been on my mind the whole time and I planned

to take it before my trip home as a good end of my travel that had it's

up and downs the whole time.

But every time, something came in the way.

Money, job or other complications.

But I think I just wasn't ready at the time and NOW is the best time for me.

He is going to do me a BIG favour that helps me in long term,

and I am going to help him as much as I can.


I am more then ready for this now.

To relax, find inner peace and feel better inside.

Maybe find my way, and realise one thing and another in life.

I should have done it months ago, but I had to realise it myself.


I am like many other people, I have to do it myself, realise it myself,

and then climb up the ladder myself.

I can not be pushed by others,

then I will just fall down again and have to climb up the same

ladder million of times over and over again. Until I learn my lesson.

But I am a curious person and I do stupid stuff sometimes,

like any other human being that doesn't feel secure.

But, once you realised what you did is wrong, you don't do it again.

Then you get more selfrespect and feel secure again.

This can take a long time for many people.


And it's actually the only thing I need at the moment,

since I felt a bit lost and lonely the last couple of weeks / months.

I take the chance, everything is an experience.

No matter if it's good or bad.


But since I love YOGA, when I've done it before

I don't think I will regret myself doing it.

And since AGAMA YOGA is famous and good, I trust it.

And I trust him, my friend.


I have alot of things to do now, before I go.

So this is the end of my blog post at the moment.

I know I haven't written something in days,

but internet costs alot here and I want to spend as much time as I can

with Annica and Johan before we say goodbye to eachother.

Even if we'll meet back home in June again :)

I am also more then ready to go back to the reality in Malmö again.

It's going to be a BABYBOOM when I come home. OMG!

Anyway. Talk to you guys later.


Ciao. Love and Peace. Lee


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