

I hate them. Computers.
Allways something wrong.
Yesterday I fucked up my speakers to my computer.
So, I went to town to buy a new adapter for them,
but they didn't have the one for my speakers.
Strange, cuz they sell the speakers but not the adapter? wtf!
But anyway, I was so tired so I just bought new speakers instead.
I went home, happy (cuz they were so small and cool etc)
And what happens? They don't work!!!
Sooo, in to town today again, found an adapter to my old speakers and now it works.
Hell yeah. Now wish me good luck with these.

And I went for a nice "Espresso House" Breakfast in town with Jane and Leon today.
Leon accedently (when I tickled him) kicked out the coffe on Jane while eating.
What to do. Kids. =)

I met Zanna and Magnus yesterday for lunch in town.
Magnus asked me if I've seen the "video bloging bimbo" (his words).
Nooo? So, I had a look at her on Youtube. And I just have to say.....


Check it out, she sounds like a hamster...

Postat av: Sophie

hahahaha har du hittat henne först nu??? Jag hoppas hon skojar för SHIT vilken blåst unge!! Kolla hennes blogg, hon har typ 30 000 besökare om dagen.... de måste vara minst lika blåsta.

2009-09-02 @ 17:22:02
Postat av: sophie

finns mycket parodi på henne på youtube. denna är bäst:

2009-09-02 @ 17:23:38

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