
Hola amigos.

Since the day I came home again, I´ve been thinking about it.
I know it´s a weird thought, but I couldn´t let the thought go when I heard it.
It was actually Tim who told me about it.
If you are thinking ecologic, and what´s good for your body you should
throw everything with fluor away, if you haven´t done it allready.
It´s like a poison for your gland in the mouth, and makes everything get stuck.
It´s also called the third eye and it leads to that you have less ability
to feel the general feeling that you are in this dramatic thing called LIFE.
There are no medical studys that proofs that it´s good for our teeths, it´s the quite opposite.
In places like the United States, they mix this poison with their
water and the result is that the people have bad breath and teeths.
The whole thing started in the nazi-germany
because Hitler wanted a more easy population, that always agreed.
I changed to a toothpaste without fluor since the day I got home.
Somehow I feel a different. They feel better and feel more white.
I think that all human beings need to read more information about this.
Check out this video..... plz!

I´m gonna go to the ecologic shop tomorrow called "Astrid och aporna"
( translate : Astrid and the monkeys)
Buy some Aloe Vera or Liqurice toothpaste. But first, work work work.

Time for food. Don´t forget to brush your teeth.
I suck at it. Time for me to pull myself together.


Postat av: Bitte

LEE!!!! Jag ÄLSKAR dig!!!! Äntligen en levande person som tror på det där!! INGEN, och då menar jag INGEN har trott på vad jag har berättat om FLUOR. Jag har sett vatten brinna ur kranar i USA, det är helt sjukt! Hade jag berättat detta för dig innan du träffade Tim så hade du nog aldrig trott på mig... Jag skrev ett inlägg om detta i februari här inne, men filmen har blivit stoppad på Youtube. Nu hittade jag den igen efter många om och men - skynda dig att se den innan den här ockås stoppas!!!

Man blir mörkrädd!!! Varför tror du jag letar efter tandkräm utan fluor? brrrrr Tack för tipset!

2009-05-22 @ 21:36:45
Postat av: Bitte

2009-05-22 @ 21:38:01

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