To do or not to do, that is the question....
Why can´t the time stand STILL just a little bit,just a little bit?
So I can try to relax for a while? Noooooooo....
Let´s push the fastplay button when I put my foot outside the door from work.
Gah, I can´t stand this. I just want the day to end, right now!!!
Well, I talked to the owners of the property I live in. And we passed!!! :)
So, we are just waiting for the contract now.
It´s gonna show up on monday.
Was supposed to go to the hospital, but I have a lot to do so I´m gonna do it tomorrow.
Changed my adress (again) today.
Moving on sunday.
I´m packing my stuff righ now.
Gonna go to my appartment and get alot of shit over there to.
Cook some dinner later to.
People in general are idiots. Really idiots. But they don´t really know it though.
Today I feel like I want to HIT someone....
I see red