Cool-ass bitch!!

First of all, 35 visitors in just a couple of hours.
And just one note from Jane. And thanx Jane for all your love.
And for the rest....SHAME ON YOU!
Bad readers, bad, bad readers...
If you are here, reading what I´m writing, at least leave a note?

Well, thanx everybody for all the support and all the other notes I´ve got.
I had to take away the picture I uploaded yesterday in my blog.
He didn´t want any pictures to be uploaded on him.

To something else.

I signed the contract for the room I´m gonna live in further on today.
Felt good. Now I just have to deal with my own contract.
It´s still alot of shit in my head, spinning around.
I miss Tim and Adeline really much.
Miss having somebody to talk to, like we did.
But like he said - I´m a cool-ass bitch so I can deal with alot of things.

Well, I´m going to Turkey on the june 13.
My brother isn´t directly going anywere,
so the ticket is paid and it´s an ALL INCLUSIVE Hotel.
The best in town to.
So, yes, bye bye Sweden.... Again...

Yes, More vacation. =)

Time for bed.

Postat av: Anonym

Blir bara förvånad att du kan glädja dig så åt Turkiet när din bror är så svårt skadad.

2009-05-26 @ 20:39:11
Postat av: Lee

Förvånad? Precis som om du inte hade tackat JA till en gratis resa? Jag glädjer mig åt allt i livet, och speciellt när saker inte går som det ska, så ska man försöka se det positiva i allt. Trots allt ondt, så löser sig allt. Och vem är du anonyma människa?

2009-05-26 @ 22:58:26

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