A tragic day....

Yes, now it´s my turn to write about it in my blog.
I just feel empty, and totally blanc.
Yesterday when I was working, I had a bad thought in my head.
I was thinking about a familymember got hurted or something like that.
I corrected myself and told myself not to think this tragic thoughts.

A couple of hours later, my mother calls me. Crying.
I allready knew it by then.
I took a cab as fast as I could to the emergency room.

My little brother Johannes, and his friend Fredrik got hitted by a car while driving on a scooter.
They are only 13 years old. Fredrik´s lung is punctured and he broke som ribs.
But my little sweet Johannes, is worst.
His leg.There is nothing left. They don´t think that they can save it.
He is on his third operation now, and still going.....
We couldn´t do so much in the emergency room, so we all went home again.
I just wanted to go back home, enjoy the rest of my day off.
And DON´T think about what happened... It´s to much for my head right now.

It was saturday night, so I had a couple of beers with Josephine and her friend Johan.
Me and Josephine went out to town. KB in our hearts :)
Not drunk or anything, I just wanted to dance.
And this morning, she cutted my hair. Woho :)
It was 9 months ago I cutted my hair the last time, so it felt good to cut off between 5-10 cm.

So here I am. Thinking about my brother.
Hope everything is gonna be all right.
Just talked to my mom again, I´m going there right now.
I may not bee the best sister ever, but I LOVE YOU JOHANNES :)
And I always will.....

Peace & Love

Postat av: Nettan

Usch Lee!

Jag vet inte vad jag ska säga, grät när jag läste din mammas blogg och jag vågar inte ens tänka på vad ni går igenom just nu! Har själv en lillebror som är mitt allt å jag kan inte ens föreställa mig hur ont det måste göra & hur tufft ni måste ha det nu! Jag hoppas av hela mitt hjärta att det gå bra och jag tänker på Er!!

Massa massa kramar

2009-05-24 @ 15:40:59
URL: http://bloodandurine.blogg.se/
Postat av: Anonym

Va din morsa lägger ut sjukt mycke konstiga foton på din brorsa

gillar han det ?

2009-05-27 @ 12:21:09
Postat av: Lee

Annars hade hon väl inte lagt ut dom ditt jävla psycho, och sen andra sidan så ska du ge blanka FAN i vad jag och min mamma lägger ut på vår familj.

2009-05-28 @ 16:17:49
URL: http://gemigenalvedon.blogg.se/

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