Resumé of the week.

I finally got my Espadrillos.
I ordered TWO, and yesterday I´ve got a pair of RED and a pair with blue stripes and shit.
Very very cute :)
I seriously think that THIS shoe, is gonna be a HIT this summer.
And it´s ecologic made etc. I like it.

I love living on Möllan, and the guys and me are getting along very good, so far.
I´m going on a concert with them on tuesday.
We are gonna see Alborosie on KB. =)
I wish that Brazilian Girls are coming to Sweden. That would be soooooo cool! :)
And we are going to Germany next saturday to buy some booz! =) 

Otherwise, my week has been loaded with cash
from the new girl that lives in my appartment and from the Försäkringskassa.
I bought this so keep my clothes in.
What do you think? 100 kronors. :) :) :)

I´ve been working, and my mind has been so relaxed for the last week.
I´m getting more focused in the kitchen, and starting to know everything now.
Feels good and more secure. I feel so good in my soul. I really do.
I´ve been to the gym almost everyday now and I´ve had so much to do all the time.
Okey, it has been a littlebit stressful, but I´m use to it.
Maybe I just try to NOT think about some things,
and try to get in the life they call REALITY again? Yepp, I think that´s it.
But everything reminds me of things over there.
Specially this GOOD Guacamole I did yesterday.
Yum, yum, yum. I love it. I miss it so much.

Yesterday me and Mia (the waitress at my work) went out and took an
"after-work" on Möllan and took a couple of ciders, to celebrate the weekend.
And two days off! :) Here she is, goofing around at work.

And finally, I´ve been to Folkets park with Sofie and Johan.
Her he is a little poser to the camera, not thinking of it.
This is late at night, and we are going home.

So, this is my week ... in pictures...
More to come later. After the weekend ;)

Cheers mates. Love.


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