
Hello everyone.

Today my mood is good,I feel wonderful as many other days.
But I´m still tired and I have however a little problem. I´m afraid to show myself outdoors.
Why should everyone wonder? I do not really know actually.
Some days I just have the feeling, I don´t want someone to see me.
Just be alone. So I haven´t done anything wrong.

But yes, the point is that my fear of being seen by people I don´t want to see me, is terrifying.
There are so many people I don´t know, who think they know me.
You can paint a picture of who I am, when I´m around people.
But most of the time, they are all wrong. Who knows me then?

I´m afraid of meeting old shags, ex-boyfriends, old friends, employers, you name it.
Just because I´m changing all the time. And I´m not the same as before.
I don´t want to look back in my past anymore.
I wish to Malmö was bigger.
Or no, maybe not bigger, but that I in my earlier days knew less people.
Now you almost can´t walk down the street until you meet someone you know.
People know who I am, but I don´t know who they are.
Makes me confused.
It's so easy with the internet these days, too. Especially to have a blog or facebook tex.
I had a lot of idiots in here too.

Two days ago, a guy came up to me in town and started to flirt.
He was very lame. But he managed to fool me and got my phone no.
Didn´t think it was true. I thought I was in a TV show or something.
Maybe someone would pop-up from the bushes or something haha.
Yesterday he called me, I didn´t answer.
He textmessage me, and I didn´t answer.
30 minutes after that, he walks up to me and Sofie in town and asks for the way to Subway.
I have never met so many psychos and stalkers before. They all live in Malmö.
He looked at me, I said Hi, but he didn´t answer me, just gave me a look and then he left.

WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED? FREAK? It was a bit scary. But I´ve seen worst.
When I´m around the world, I don´t see them. It´s like as they don´t excist.
Maybe not at the same way as here. All the FREAKS are hiding in Malmö haha.

Why always me?
Leave me alone. Please.


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