A party...

This saturday I had a late birthday party.
The only who bought me a gift was My, and she bought the perfect gift for me.
A new watch. My old white talking, oldschool watch broked on my last day in Mexico.
But just the metal, it´s still working and it´s still talking.

But NOW.... I´ve got an NEW "oldschool" watch.
A Black CALCULATOR WATCH!!!! How cool is that??????
It´s awesome!! Me like alot :)

And from one thing to another.

Peanuts, popcorn, snacks....
When you are having a party. How do people eat?
It´s fucking everywhere!!
In the kitchen, in the livingroom, on the toilette.
Do people have it in their hands and throw it around like it´s confetti???
Or are they just so drunk that they miss their own mouth when they are trying to eat?

Well, it´s weird anyway. haha.

I went home to my dad today. First time since I came home from Mexico.
Well, I met him once before, and been talking to him on the phone.
But not actually been there.
I drank some coffee but my dad insisted to give me a glas of wine.
So, alright. I took a glas, and put the bikini on and sat in the hot tub / jacuzzi for a while.
It was hot outside, it was really relaxing, but boring so sit there alone.

Then we had a bbq and looked at photos of Cape Verde, when they were there.
And my photos of Mexico / USA.
I got a new backpack from my dad and his wife and a late birthday gift - 500 kr =)
But the backpack is to small to bring to Thailand so I´m gonna keep them both.
To bad it wasn´t bigger, then I could bring the other one back to the store and get cash back :)

Well, this is everything from me today.
I´m gonna see what my beloved friends are up to now.

kiss kiss...

Postat av: Bitte

Jag tror du ska få min "old school"-Casioklocka.

Den var ÖVER-COOL på den tiden det begav sig, d.v.s när jag var mellan 20-24år! Hur cool kommer den inte att vara NU??? Jag ska leta reda på den, men den behöver ett nytt glas och nya batterier bara, det kan man nog fixa hos en urmakare? Den är helt i metall, med räknare och inbyggt ljus och en massa andra effekter. Har det ÅSKAT ikväll??? Kraaaam

2009-06-30 @ 23:21:05
URL: http://bitte.webblogg.se/
Postat av: Lee


2009-07-01 @ 02:39:29
URL: http://gemigenalvedon.blogg.se/

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