What a blurry mind

I´m almost inside the bubble again.
I feel trapped. I don´t like it at all.
But I try to do something about it every day, but it´s hard.
Soon, I will be leaving again and I´m so glad....

So fucking happy!
But I guess I will get "home sick" while I´m away.
Doesn´t everybody get home sick while they are away?
I guess so.
But when you are home, you want to leave again.
I just know that I´m going to miss all my friends and all the people that cares about me.

I am so glad that I get to know all kinds of people around the world these days.
This year has been (so far) the best year in sooooooooo many years for me, in my life.
I don´t think I would be so strong as I am today, if it wasn´t for all the people I´ve met and helped me in life.
(with all kinds of shit)

My mood hasn´t been the greatest the last couple of days, and I guess that´s it.
It´s just me, been very moody.
Because since this sunday, when I had the worst hungover in years
I just been worst. Yesterday was crap, but just in the evening.
Me, Jocelyn and Johan went to KIVIK and their market. Just walked around like fools.
Almost like on a fieldtrip. I was so sick so I layed down in the car on our way back home and fell a sleep.
And today, I woke up 09.30 and I couldn´t move from the bed until 15.00
Talk about lazy. Or just really sick.

So I "woke up" and went down with Jocelyn to west harbourn, just chillin with some friends.
Went home, verry mad (I don´t know why)
And cooked some food and went to Sophies place.

So, I have everything, except a job. (and a boyfriend)
Wich I need, to survive later on. I mean the job.
But what do I want to do? There are so many things.
I´ve tryed alot, but nothing was for me.
I don´t really need a boyfriend, but I am very comfertable with having one.
But 5 months with not even a kiss from someone, shows that you can manage on your own.
And I think I did pretty good! I felt so much stronger then.

I found this picture on myself on Jocelyns blogg.
Haha, what a god damn hippie I look like. Gosh.

Well, this is all from me tonight.
Tomorrow I´m gonna be a "DOG SITTER" for Astrid.
I am her best friend. Sophie´s boxer! :)

I think there will be pictures on that :)
keep you updated later.

Ciao Ciao. Ta ta


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