PS. I love you
What is Love? And is there Love?
Why am I not in love?
I just want to have those lovely feelings back, like I had before.
I watched "PS. I love you" yesterday with Jocelyn.
Cryed a bit. And Jocelyn too.
Jocelyn said that what we have seen in the movie yesterday, do not excist!
It´s just on movies. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Is it? I don´t belive her. I think it does. But not here.
But most of all, I cryed after the movie.
I miss it so much, the feelings. It´s killing me sometimes.
But I´m not desperate after someone, the quite opposite actually.
I´m so tired of it. But I just want it to be easy.
But it´s never easy.Never.
Why can´t it be easy?
And that´s what makes me wanna throw up. I hate it.
So, the question is, may I feel love again? True Love?
And WHAT is True Love?
I just wish that I could be really heartbroken, just so I know I have feelings left.
Me and Jocelyn are just two man hating bitches right now.
But, no...I don´t hate them. I love them... to much.
But most of all, I give all my love to my friends instead of a guy.
Well, man-friends too.
I love my friends. I wish that all my friends could see how much love I can give them.
And some of them can give some love back....
But I guess, some of them aren´t your friends anymore though.
I love them. And I´m so thankful of having friends that loves me back.
ps. I miss my cat, my love.
Postat av: sophie
det är vårt prestationsstyrda skitsamhälle som förstör kärleken.
o sen när den riktiga kärleken dyker upp blir plötsligt allt så jävla lätt för allt faller på plats o man bara faller in i varandra. vi måste bara lägga våra egon åt sidan.
Postat av: Lee
säg det till männen. ego ego. fan. ego.