Independent Woman...

Yes. Today is a new day.
I just ate breakfast. And I feel very strong today.
Really independent. GIRL POWER YAY!!!!
I am going to be completely alone today.
I´m going to take my book and sit somewhere, alone.....and READ.
For like ONCE in life :)

Have to go down town first.
I made fish sandwishes for later, so I´m going to bring them too :)
Then I´m going to take a run in the Pildammspark with Sofie.
The Pildammspark is nice. It´s like our "Central Park" but in the Swedish way.
It´s going to be nice to run for a bit to.
Specially with my gym buddy Sofie :)


Cuz this is how I feel right now.
Lovely Homer. I love him.
I have to start all over again... and again....
Since Mexico, I´m pretty fucked when it comes to my workout.
And now MY FAVOURITE GYM EVER is closed, so my motivation is not the best ever.
But I try all the time. And specially now, since I´m leaving for Thailand....
I just need my "PEPP-TALK" with Göran I think,
and talk about food and shit so I can get up on my feets again.

I need to go on my sugar rehab again!

And now something else...

And I hate saying goodbye to people.
I hate it so much. Specially if I like them alot.
I don´t even want to think about it. But I do.
It´s going to be the same as with everyone else I´ve met.
And I guess crying is involved... again...

But let´s just stay positive instead.

It´s my time to leave soon. Again. YES!!
I love all of you. Now, I will READ :) Woho.

T a t a


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