Johnny Knoxville



This is the most "real" dream I´ve ever had. It was so sick and when I woke up in my bed
it felt like I have butterfies in my stumache. I was so happy and warm of joy.
This is what a man should be like. More careing. More respectful. And no fucking SLUT.
I told myself in my dream that "Lee , c´omon this is a dream, it can never be real!"
So I enjoyed the dream in ever second. When you read it, maybe it sounds stupid.
But, yeah I´m almost 23 years old, and I feel like I have a crush on a celebrity ....
just liked you had in school and listened to Backstreet Boys. Hehehe...

What I remember, it started on a family dinner. My boyfriend was so rude and polite, so my mum
just sat staring at him. So, Me and my nerves stood up, grabed him and said to him to get the fuck out of my house. He didn´t listened. So the angry Lee bitchedslapped him and tryed to do some boxing moves on him, but he was to fast for me.
(It always happens in my dreams) It was like I did it in slow-motion.
So he grabbed my hands and I never said a word.
I was so angry, I saw black. And when I see black....
You should get out of my way. HAHA.
But just 4 seconds later he suddenly became Johnny Knoxville.
(This Boyfriend was nobody before) = no face. (?)

He told me that it´s good that I let all my anger out sometimes,
and it was like that he enjoyed fighting with me.
His ex (Jessica Simpsons) I don´t know why SHE was his ex in my dream but she was.
He told me when they were fighting she just yeld and yeld at him like a little boy.
And men don´t like that. (Trust me, I know)
So he told me that fighting is better for the anger sometimes and you feel better directly.
Now I almost was scratching his face out. Now we were out side of my appartment.
I stopped. Turning the back on him and just stood there, didn´t know what to do.

So he came, apologized, hugged me and was the most
respectful man that a man should be in that moment.
I suddenly erased that we had a fight 3 seconds ago.
And he told me that if you gonna work things out,
it´s better to fight then yell, and the next time maybe we learn from eachother?
THE NEXT TIME???? So you mean that a celebrity are trying to be serious with me?
I totally forgot about that tha whole world of women liked my guy.
I liked the feeling. But it wasn´t just that. It wasn´t just him, being Johnny Knoxville.
It was the feeling of when you just met eachother and there is nothing else on the whole planet but you... Felt that before?? Well I have.

But I wasn´t (And I´m not) the biggest slut.
I heard about the rules in the US about dating etc.
So, well okey I kissed the guy. And trust me, he was the greatest kisser ever.
(why can´t everybody be that?)
We stood there and suddenly my whole family was looking
at us when we kissed and maked up outside.
But there was one other person beside my family. Ellen DeGeneres. The dancing little Ellen.


She made some real american sandwiches and a big big man came out to me and Johnny
with the sadwiches. The cheese. OMFG!!
Suddenly after a long time, someone told me that Johnny Knoxville was Swedish.
I said WHAAAAAAT? No way. Then I started to talk to me. I was really confused.
But but but, So is Knoxville not your real name? Cuz it´s not Swedish, or is it?
He just laught and hugged me and told me on Swedish that it is Swedish.

Okey, fine. So I didn´t have to speak english. the time went and we started to know eachother.
We were goofing around, playing with swords, and I felt that ... god, I´m glad that I found a guy
who is as stupid as I am. And like to do stuff, and just be silly. I have a sooooo big imagination.
And my family always told me that I live in a fantasy island. No, I´m not dumb.
I just try to make the best out of it and enjoy my life to the full, doing stuff etc.
I just think it´s great that I have a big imagination.

Now Me and Johnny was on our 4-5 dates. We were laying down on a big bed,
on a big hip café somewhere around the world.
Kissing and hugging, But not in that way so pepole will look and say:
- Oh get a room for exemple. 
He wispered something in my ear and later on I noticed it in his pants. :D
A feeling, I felt happy, loved and just incredible.... I loved it.
And in the dream I asked myself, WHY ME? WHY? All the girl on this planet, Why me?
Maybe all celebritys aren´t sluts ...
that can have everything they points at.... It´s all about the attitude.


Liked I said yesterday. Guys don´t have the nerves to ask me out...
cuz I just reject them all and say fuck you for exemple.
But I´m not always like that. just when a man is drunk and ask me or something stupid.
I really like them as friends before, so you can paint a picture in your head ... how they are etc.

Johnny had (HAS) the look, the style, the life I whant to live. I love doing crazy stuff.
(maybe not being upsidedown all coverd in poop) But, he really got me in my dream.
He is the most sexiest celebrity I know. (and Jude Law, but Jude don´t have the "skate-style")
Then I woke up ..... My stupid cat was playing with something on the floor.  DAMN U!!!


Yeah, that´s all from me today. Now I just look at the picture and day dream away.
Why don´t the Jackass guys come to Copenhagen? They have to, on the airport.
And I will be one of them standing there and just be shy and look. (My god, I sound like a freak)
Maybe cuz I´m not that "Girly-girly" girl. I´m not that girl who shows my boobs,
does everything for a little attension. I do crazy stuff, I´m always happy ..., (allmost)
and my friends just say that I´m more of a clown/ entertainer.

Oooohh.. Johnny Sweet Johnny. Let me have another dream like this.

Liked it aloooot :D


This is me - drunk on Christmas 2006....


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