A Dream

I have the weirdest, strangest, dream last night.
It was not a fun dream at all. I had so much anxiety when I woke up.
My brain finally understands it. And I recover well from everything.
Sometimes it´s hard to control your brain though.
But I understand now, and I try my best.
I belive in my dreams though. Many of them, not all of them.
And it´s like listen to your "deep voice inside".
I´m almost 100 % right about all my feelings and dreams all the time.
So, sometimes I can just listen to my dreams, and don´t do mistakes.
But sometimes it´s very hard to listen.
You have to try, and maybe fail, but then you know it til next time and you have learned your lesson!
So, I think I will take my own edvice and listen to it for once.

I know what´s right, and I know what´s wrong....
For me!

I can not take responsible of someone else. I have myself!

Well, time for bed.
Just watched HOT ROD again.... for the 4th time... hahaha.
Love that movie :D

Sweet dreams :)


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